
看見彩虹瀑布的幸運 Rainbow at Niagara Falls

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Amazing Niagara Falls
Raibow Bridge
Rainbow at Niagara Falls & Maid of the Mist
Niagara Falls sightseeing bus

提到美東/加東旅遊就不得不提到尼加拉瀑布 (Niagara Falls),它也是世界三大瀑布之一,該瀑布位於美國和加拿大邊界上,所以兩國就各自發展了自己的旅遊路線,一開始我以為只能在美國觀賞尼加拉瀑布,有次和另個也去看了尼加拉瀑布的朋友聊天,他說他是在加拿大境內看到尼加拉瀑布,我才發現原來有兩條路線,據說加拿大境內的景色比較全面,不過我在美國端欣賞的景致也相當不錯。



尼加拉瀑布的必玩項目就是搭船,船名叫Maid of the Mist ,中文叫霧中少女號,不得不說名字還挺美麗。基本上只要搭了船就能看到尼加拉瀑布全景,比較有趣的是從雨衣顏色可以判斷出旅客來自美國還是加拿大,美國是藍色,而加拿大是紅色。

個人感覺尼加拉瀑布真的是很適合拍照的地點,基本上隨手拍都是美照,途中也看到了彩虹橋 (Raibow Bridge),深深被它的美麗震撼,幸運的我在瀑布中還會看見彩虹,真的是一次很棒的體驗。

Niagara Falls is a must-see destination when traveling in the eastern United States or Canada. As one of the world’s three great waterfalls, it straddles the border between the U.S. and Canada, with both countries offering their own unique tourism experiences.

Initially, I thought Niagara Falls could only be viewed from the U.S. side. However, during a conversation with a friend who had also visited the falls, I learned that he saw it from the Canadian side. That’s when I realized there are two distinct routes. It’s said that the view from Canada is more comprehensive, but I must say that the scenery from the U.S. side was equally impressive.

My friend and I went to the falls on a Niagara Falls sightseeing bus. Upon arrival, we queued up to enter the site, where staff handed out rain ponchos. Although my friends and I had prepared ourselves to get wet, we didn’t expect to end up completely soaked. This makes Niagara Falls an ideal destination for the hot summer months since your clothes will dry faster in the heat.

The entire experience of visiting the falls involved moving forward slowly with the crowds. Due to the sheer number of tourists, it was impossible not to follow the flow. And because of the slow pace, the ponchos were more decorative than functional. Aside from being drenched, there was no point in wearing makeup because the sheer force of the waterfall’s spray could ruin it. Despite this, everyone was busy snapping photos in the misty air, though many worried about their phones not being waterproof enough to survive.

One of the must-do activities at Niagara Falls is taking the boat ride. The boat is called Maid of the Mist, which has a poetic charm to its name. This boat ride offers a full view of the falls. An interesting observation is that you can distinguish tourists from the U.S. and Canada by the color of their ponchos—blue for those from the U.S. and red for those from Canada.
In my opinion, Niagara Falls is an incredibly photogenic destination. No matter how casually you take a photo, it always turns out stunning. Along the way, we also saw the iconic Rainbow Bridge, which left me in awe of its beauty. I was even lucky enough to see rainbows in the mist of the falls, making it an unforgettable experience.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu