
You wanted some alpha? Here's Morphswap for ya

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For all those who are not aware, Leo Finance was born out @khaleelkazi's vision of having a place where to talk finance, share intel on projects that promise good returns while they are still young, and providing tools for normal people to achieve financial freedom on their own.

For the second point of this vision, we now have a Community Page called LeoAlpha.

For those of you who don't know what alpha is, Alpha in crypto slang refers to the very first stage of the production process of a blockchain. This stage usually consists of a very primitive and basic software or product. But it also refers to those leaks that help you beat the market in the crypto world. It comes from the tradfi (traditional finance) term “alpha,” which is when someone’s investment strategy beats the market.

So basically, the leoalpha community page serves the three main purposes that gave birth to Leo Finance: Talk finance, give intel on new projects, and provide normies the tools to achieve financial freedom.

In simple terms, leoalpha came to Leo Finance for Lions to share projects they are looking into, researching, thinking of buying, or just plainly sharing our recent buys.


Now before I tell you about this project, allow me to tell you a story that happened around 2 weeks ago, because this post is like a cooking recipe where the author tells you about that time where they had a life changing experience before explaining how to cook jam and eggs.

A few weeks ago I was roaming /biz looking for alpha leaks.

Yeah yeah, I know, 99.9999% of crypto discussion made on any reddit or 4chan forums are scams, rugpulls, people wanting you to buy their bags, paid shills, or trolling. I know.

But every once in a long freaking while, you stumble upon someone who is talking legit and being serious. The problem is that you have to be hanging out in the forum at the very moment where the OP shares their intel, and you have to hope that the audience responds accordingly instead of turning the post into a spiderman thread.

I was lucky because I stopped hanging out daily on these forums a couple of months ago because work and life got real, but that day I decided to browse and the founder of Morphswap had just made a huge post with tokenomics, walls of text, good grammar (stupidly important for a /biz post), and a good reply ratio.

I read it all, the tokenomics sounded legit (at least enough to keep reading) and apparently this was the very first (and apparently only one) post the founder made on any crypto forum intending to test the waters.

I decided to give this project a try and I checked the website, which is one of the main filters you can have when you are doing your own research on any project. If the website sucks, one loses any kind of faith in a project that is one day old, right?

The website looked ok for a solidity/backend dev, in fact if you find a website that is too shiny and the code and tokenomics are amazing, it is most likely that the project is a smokescreen to convince people to buy in the token and then rugpull when there's a few thousand dollars in.

I browsed all the website thoroughly, it looked ok, but what got me interested was the huge whitepaper explaining the tokenomics and the use cases of the native token, but also the founder's attitude towards responding to questions on a malaysian weaving forum (4chan) full of retards and pajeets.

Then I went on discord to see if shit was really legit. I was the third member. Any rational person would've left the research then and there, but my gut told me I needed to poke more, perhaps I was the third person on what could become a thousand people server.

I noticed the founder was online, so I sent him a message. You know, to try and test the waters and see if he knew what he's talking about, if his grammar is ad hoc for a fullstack dev with experience in finance and crypto, to check if his vision in-chat aligns to what the whitepaper holds.

We talked for around an 3 hours. I learned a lot about the foundations of the project and the use case got me hooked. Shit, the founder even ended up creating a Leo Finance account for the project and for himself.

Damn, shit was legit as fuck, I think I found the very bullseye of alphas during this fucking bear market that might last until 2024.

I bought 100 USD worth of Morphswap (MS) then and there and went to sleep.

The day after I couldn't get my mind off this project, I knew this was a huge hit or a small miss, not only because the project promises, but also because when you invest so early in a token or idea, you're mostly investing in the founder, and the founder seemed like the real deal.

I sent him another message and I asked him to have a video call to see if I could help him with anything he might need, my intentions were 50% to actually help out a fellow coder & entrepreneur but also 50% to learn more about the project and decide if I should buy more morphswap.

After a 2 hours video call I went in with another 300 bucks, not much. I am not a rich person to be throwing away more than half K in a project that I heard yesterday, right? But enough to make this a significant investment if Morphswap ends up being half of what it can be, I thought to myself.

After we finished the call, I decided that apart from my 400 bucks, the main investment I would put into this project would be time. Time is valuable as fuck and we all know this, but when a project like this comes out you want to believe, in fact you help the founder achieve his vision, which is exactly what I am and will be doing in the future.

It's exactly what happened to me when I got into Leo Finance which by the way, is still getting most of my time regarding business development, so worry not, fellow Lion. I heard about Leo Finance and all I knew was that I wanted to be all in on Leo, because you want to make the project grow and you believe the founder, in this case Khal, can make the ecosystem explode in the near future.

Anyway, I bought in the project, I believe in the founder, I am convinced the use case is kickass and there's no other like it in the market, and I know this project has tons of potential.

And the best part, it is still on its early, early days. The project hasn't even soft launched, it has been up for a couple of weeks but there hasn't been any marketing or promotion to spread the word, only that first post from the founder and me telling a few Leo friends to buy in early.

These past couple of weeks the founder has been focusing in polishing the frontend, the backend and the UI, and the platform is almost ready.

I'm part of the discord community and since I am so close to the foudner I am an admin there. I know I would feel like crap if I didn't let my Leo community know about this project today and not, say, in a week from now.

Because that is what the leoalpha community is all about. To share tips and information about projects we are researching or that we have bought into when they are in their alpha state.

Now, don't worry, this information is very public and I'm not sharing private intel or anything like that, but the main problem with crypto projects is the lack of exposure and visibility a single idea or token can get considering the hundreds if not thousands of projects in the space (protip: leoalpha solves this).

Morphswap - The details


Morphswap is a decentralized and fully extensible Automated Market Maker that works by routing "meta-transaction" constituent on-chain transactions on separate blockchains by utilizing a structured network of Chainlink Oracles communicating with "meta-transaction"-entangled chains via a mesh of JSON RPC APIs.

If you understood half of that, Morphswap is basically a platform where you can swap assets from one blockchain to another and skip the bridge fees.

These Oracles ping a node in the mesh when instructed to do so by a transaction on their "domestic" chain. These transactions originate from users - as the public is incentivized to do so by a 'tip' they get sent by the protocol when their transaction is responsible for an Oracle ping resulting in received data from the queried chain about a new "meta-transaction" in which the Oracle's "domestic" chain is entangled in. These transactions cost amount j of LINK, (where the value of j is chain dependent), with a successful ping resulting in a payout of the chain's native currency equivalent to 2 × j LINK.

Again, for the uninitiated: The swap occurs by calling the receiving and the sending chains and paying a tiny fee in LINK, allowing the two chains to interact between each other. This works because the existing Liquidity Pools are based 50/50 in both blockchains.

The users sending these transactions are called "swapminers". For readers with more technical expertise who interested in acquiring a deeper understanding of the protocol's multi-chain architecture, feel free to take a look at the diagrams on the official website at

That's enough alpha from me today.

If you are interested, do your own research, all I did here was share with you a project that I found and that I am vested on since a few weeks ago.

It's all on you from here.

The project has a hive account by the way, if you are interested in following their announcements and be on the lookout for whatever they do, maybe you want to follow them.

LeoAlpha community page

This is the first post on this community, in fact we need to update some info there and polish it, but since the community is live, I wanted to make a post for it, and what better way than by sharing with you some alpha on a kickass project that has a lot of potential like @morphswap.

You can populate this community page with your own posts by using the tag "leoalpha", and after a filter from the community page moderators, your post will be shown on this community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta