
Data science, Psyber X and crypto on traditional gaming platforms.

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Once again, I'm making an attempt to get my fitness back in order, and once again, I'm struggling with the pain. The pain isn't as bad as previous times because I've taken advice and only rest when I reach my limit.

Unfortunately, the exercise has been really draining my energy, and it has adversely affected my capacity to work. I know this is only temporary but for now, it is really difficult. Yesterday, I came back home after some time in the gym and I could barely keep my eyes open. However, the discomfort didn't also allow me to sleep.

Anyway, now I'm on my devices again and pretty pleased for life in general. We finally handled our biggest expenditure for the month, so we'll be taking it easy for the rest of the month.

Yesterday, I went to the tech hub where I was supposed to register for coding classes but instead, I decided to pick Data science instead. Either choice is in high demand these days but I can't explain it but I felt much better about studying Data Science.

A lot of new companies and startups springing up regularly look for data analysts and scientists, and I think this is a field that I will excel in.

My background in Engineering and maths savviness makes me suited for analysis. My mind is also better suited to processing or sourcing for data than building from scratch, as I'd most likely do with coding.

On top of that, thanks to my interaction with the crypto market, I'm comfortable with a lot of numbers on my screen. Then again, I'd probably be fine with coding because as long as my mind is in the right place, I don't get overwhelmed by a lot of data on my screen.

I know how to pick data apart and analyse bits to prevent burnout. So, yeah, I'll be taking classes in Data science from Monday next week and it will last for three months.

Blockchain gaming

I've been enjoying Splinterlands a lot lately and this has refreshed my interest in blockchain gaming as a whole. I've been battling my way up to Diamond category and so far so good, it has been fun.

Doing daily quests feels less stressful than before because while I prioritise it, I don't beat myself up for not doing it. Personally, I'm just glad that I get to enjoy the game and beat up on people around the world.

Still on the topic of gaming, the unveiling of Psyber X is also on the horizon. If I'm not mistaken, we should be seeing gameplay videos tomorrow.

I've been snooping around the Psyber X discord for a while and there have been some interesting pictures of the gameplay. It is really looking like they'll deliver on the promise.

I like how Psyber X isn't overly bothered about the tokenomics and stuff but just focused on the building. I don't even know how to contain my excitement about this game because damn, the idea of playing a first-person shooter game on the blockchain is immense.

The only issue I can see myself having is that my laptop may not be capable of handling the game. Right now, I use a pretty good laptop but it isn't really a gaming laptop.

My laptop has been able to seamlessly handle simple tasks effortlessly. I effortlessly run Gods Unchained app as well, and that's the most I've stressed the laptop since I got it.

When Psyber X is released, it will be interesting to see how much it will stress my laptop to run it. I'm also concerned about the size of the game, considering that my system only has 176 GB free.

I doubt the FPS blockchain game will be that big though. The last edition of COD I downloaded on my PlayStation was 104 GB, so it is safe to expect this one to be relatively smaller.

I wonder what kind of graphics and requirements the game will also require. However, no matter how little the specs you need are initially, there will be a need to scale up in the future, when further developments and upgrades come into the fore.

COnsidering that ROyal Reptile Studious have the capacity to develop games on Playstation and Xbox, there could even be crypto games on those platforms. I haven't researched their policies on play to earn games but you just know that with games like these coming to the blockchain, it is only a matter of time before we'll be playing PlayStation games and earning crypto.

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