
Iniciativa 29 “Bajo el Imperio de lo Inútil” ¿Por qué seguir tendencias inútiles? (ESP/ENG)

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Hi, how are you? This is the first time that I am encouraged to make an initiative in this community, but after reading @charjaim's post, I felt inspired to give you my point of view about the useless elements of this life of ours.


In her post our friend was talking to us about fashion and how some women try to adapt to a lifestyle even uncomfortable for the sake of beauty, and I totally agree, but I think today there is a serious problem that goes much further, because I consider that the unnecessary elements of life are not necessarily objects but we have them in something as influential as it is the new absurd trends that have emerged in social networks. What need do we have to do stupid (at best) and even dangerous (at worst) things just to get approval from others?



I understand that the problem is not the internet, or social networks, but the poor supervision by parents and their poor guidance, many of them even reinforce this behavior, instead of encouraging a sense of individuality in young people, or to urge them to do something fun but productive and that will bring something beneficial to their lives, they urge them to do stupid things, looking like real acephalos in front of the screen (like that new trend of NPCs in tik tok, where “influencers” act without will, following the instructions of followers and even denigrating themselves in exchange for rewards) or more dangerous challenges like ingesting high amounts of cinnamon (which obstructs the airways).



That is something unnecessary, to follow a trend just to follow it, to try to be like others, to get their approval at any cost, without stopping to think about several things, asking yourself some questions like Is it really necessary to do what I am about to do? Do I really want to do it? Will it bring something significant or to my life? Is it dangerous or illegal? What consequences can it bring to do this?



The problem in itself is not even the challenges, but the lack of imagination and creativity to do something that can bring good things to society, that encourages healthy competition.

And with respect to fashion, I think there is nothing wrong with wearing contact lenses, eyelashes or false nails, as long as the person in question does not become obsessed with it, does not feel that if he/she lacks some of these elements he/she is incomplete or that he/she is nothing without them, another thing to take into account is that we fall in the same point that I mentioned before, because there are people who use these things just to follow trends and that's it, without stopping to think if they really need it (I know people who have cut their nails naturally long to install acrylic nails, that makes no sense) or if this makes no sense, that doesn't make sense) or if this can make their daily lifestyle difficult, on the other hand false eyelashes can look pretty, but there are those who exaggerate and install real jungles on their eyelids (which generates a negative and unreal impact on others) and there are people who even let someone who is not qualified for them, install false eyelashes, and this is something very dangerous, I even know that there are people who have been admitted to the hospital with serious eye infections precisely because of that.



It is a matter of common sense, as they say, “fashion, what suits you” but I would also add “and what does not bother you too” but anyway, friends, this has been all for today in my first reflection of this community, thank you very much for allowing me to be part of it. Blessings to all!

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