
Tail of Two Tails - Chapter 56 - Love The One's You're with

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Squeek and Lexi have both blossomed in the last few weeks since our foster kitty moved out. As heart wrenching as it was, we had to do what was best for our older girls. They were suffering.

It's incredible how Sqeek's behavior and even Lexi's has changed in this time as they have gotten back their freedom and have been able to reclaim their home.

Squeek has become super vocal (she can't meow properly though so we call her the mini dinosaur as it sounds like a really quiet Raptor). She's been like that from when she was a kitten, so I guess that's just how she's made. In fact, I didn't hear her meow at all until we'd been living here for a while and she'd settled in. Now she meows for affection and food and even does an affectionate dance when she wants things from you. Even cuddle time!

Lexi has continued to be the princess she always is but has actually been a lot more affectionate and has become far more of a homebody than she ever has been. She is almost always sleeping on my bed.; sampling mommy's Bovril toast (licking all the Bovril off and then abandoning the toast, of course), getting belly rubs from Dad: @zakludick or just snuggling up close to me while I nap.

Meow Meow, the gorgeous floofy cat from next door, who has been visiting us for ages and causing massive territorial fights, especially with Squeek, has finally - so it seems - been granted access to our home. We snapped this shot yesterday as both cats were just enjoying basking in the sun.

So as much as I would love to adopt all the cats in the world, I need to remember the golden rule of adopting cats. You can't force it. The right cat will come at the right time. I just have to wait instead of searching so hard.