
Bad day gone better #contest 208

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Some days, we wake up with our plans all drawn out in how our day is going to look like, without even adding the possibility of having a bad day.

On this very wonderful morning like every other day. I woke up looking at my timetable for the week's activity; what am I supposed to do first as I got to the office that morning.

I set my plans in motion, humming a sweet melody as I walked down to the bus stop. Took a cab straight to my workplace that morning. As soon as I got to the office, I was told that my madam wanted to see me, I went to see her in the office.

Good morning ma, you sent for me I said to her. She looked up from the paper she was holding and then said sit down.

You will be going to the Ogoni location this morning, she said, looking at me.

"But ma, that's Ifeoma's location, "I said, looking at her in confusion.

"I know, but I want you to take over that location starting from today," she said dismissively.

But I wasn't ready to back down because why would I always take Ifeoma's remnant, and she would take jobs that I had finished.

Ma, my location is just remaining for me to mop up the place; if I leave it now, it will be on my record that I didn't finish my work at that location.

"Am the one that ask you to go there" she yelled becoming angry at me.

But ma, why do you always give my work to Ifeoma whenever it's remaining mop up and give me her job, please, ma, the location is too dangerous, I can't go there alone.


Are you challenging my orders? Miss Ballgam she asked me, slamming the table. You are suspended.

Haha, ma that's not fair, am only saying that is not nice to give me her job, which she does little or nothing about, yet she gets full payment but I get half payment for not meeting a target, when it's not really my fault, I fired back not minding what the outcome will be, cause why should I, I have had enough already.

I stormed out, it was raining heavily, I was too angry to even think, I just entered the rain and started going home after I must have put my phone on a nylon.

Halfway down to the bus stop, I started shivering there, and then, I entered the market and decided to make myself happy cause I wasn't going to let someone spoil my day.

I decided to prepare catfish pepper soup with hot white rice after being drained in the heavy rain.

Scent leaf
Fresh pepper

  • Maggie*
  • Pepper soup spice*
    Raw rice.

When I got home, I changed into some loose clothes and entered the kitchen.

*First, I boil water, use it to wash my catfish to remove that slimy stuff on the body, then place it inside the pot, add Maggie, salt, pepper,onions and a little water, and place it in an electric cooker.

*Next, I pluck my scent leaf, wash it slice it, and keep it aside.

*Grind my remaining fresh pepper, and keep it aside too

*Wash my rice with cold water, put it in a pot, and place it on the other side of the electric cooker to boil.

*Next, I opened my fish on the cooker about 2 minutes later.


*I added more fresh pepper, crayfish, onions,pepper soup spice with 3 cups of water; Maggie covered and allowed to boil for another 3 minutes.

*Then add my scent leaf and leave it for 5 seconds. Then I brought it down from the electric cooker.

*Check my rice; by then, it was ready too.

I removed my clothes, take a warm bath, then place the food on the ground, sat down on the floor, and began to do justice to the food with chill chivita juice to step it down. I can't kill myself after all.

All images are mine

Thank you for taking the time to read.

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