We started Friday with a horrible cold, I started to play early in the morning without any lighting, only the one from my pc and my mouse that illuminates the whole room since it is all rgb.
So when I started to get cold I went out to the kitchen to get something to eat, that's when I realized that it was raining outside, that explains the extra cold that I could feel in this night-morning :b
Although it's still too early I haven't planned anything for this day, but if it's going to be a cold day it's hard to plan to go out :b although when a bandit invites you it's hard to say no :p
Hemos empezado el viernes con un frio horrible me puse a jugar desde temprano sin ninguna iluminación, solo la de mi pc junto a mi mouse que al ser todo rgb ilumina toda la habitación.
Fue así que cuando me empezó a dar frio salí a la cocina a traer algo de comer, es en ese momento que me di cuenta afuera a estado lloviendo, eso explica el frio extra que se podía sentir en esta noche-madrugada :b
Aunque aun es demasiado temprano no he planeado nada para este dia, pero si estará frio el día difícil planes de salir :b aunque cuando una bandida te invita esta difícil decir que no :p
Using the tool https://hivetools.onrender.com/picker/ we found the winner, and it is: @iamthemastermind
Using the tool https://hivetools.onrender.com/picker/ we found the winner, and it is: @sacra97
Participate with an account (if I find out you use more you will be silenced)
Type the keyword: HiveGaming and Reblogged
Everyone must type the keyword in the comments of this post in order to participate.
Only one entry per person.
Avoid destructive or offensive comments no one wants to see that.... No one!
Bots are not invited
Votes are not required to participate, but support for better prizes is appreciated.
Reblog and let me know in the comments to participate for 1 HSBI
Participa con una cuenta (si descubro que usas más serás silenciado)
Escribe la palabra clave: HiveGaming and Reblogged
Todos deberán escribir la palabra clave en los comentarios de este post para poder participar.
Solo una entrada por persona.
Evitar los comentarios destructivos u ofensivos nadie quiere ver eso.... Nadie!
Los bots no están invitados
No es necesario votar para participar, pero se agradece el apoyo para conseguir mejores premios.
The winner will be announced the following Friday, special thanks to the participants **
Reblog y déjame saberlo en los comentarios para participar por 1 HSBI
The winner will receive 1 HSBI
El ganador recibirá 1 HSBI
** Solo para recordar la palabra clave debe ir junta ya que si la separan la herramienta no lo toma en cuenta y quedarían fuera del sorteo.**
Just to remember the keyword must be together because if you separate them the tool does not take it into account and you will be out of the draw.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Other participants: @monsterbuster, @efmm, @henruc, @bitandi, @vaynard86, @blitzzzz, @lumpiadobo, @moonthumb, @hatdogsensei, @sacra97, @vasilstefanov, @servelle, @suisver, @olaf.gui, @ladymisa, @holdeck2, @ravenmus1c, @akiraymd, @angeluxx, @kungfukid, @middle-earthling, @ronnie10, @freesinger, @yusmelys,@bombus
My personal curation project
- 😊Please note Delegate Hive Power to 😋 @Kozgamer Curator Account.. Arigato 😋