Hello, hello, beautiful ones! I hope you are well, in my last post I shared with you a little bit about the princesses of the house, Pandy and Panty, and I told you that they already have siblings, 4 in total, their story is somewhat comical, because when Esperancita was in the last days of her pregnancy, we did not let her in the house, because for those days Mathias was a little sick, and unfortunately it was detected that he is allergic to cat and dog hair, then, having her inside the house could mean that Mathias would not heal quickly. One day Esperancita disappeared and we could not find her anywhere, we were already thinking the worst, because she does not leave the house, the only time she went out, she got lost for a whole week, and it turned out that she was in the house next door, which is uninhabited, and from there she does not even look out the door.
¡Hola, hola, hermosos! Espero se encuentren bien, en mi último post les compartía un poco de las princesas de la casa, Pandy y Panty, y les comentaba que ya tienen hermanos, 4 en total, su historia es algo cómica, pues cuando Esperancita estaba en los últimos días de su embarazo, no la dejábamos entrar a casa, pues para esos días Mathias estaba un poco enfermo, y lamentablemente se detectó que es alérgico al pelo de los gatos y perros, entonces, tenerla dentro de casa podría implicar que Mathias no sanara rápido. Un día Esperancita desapareció y no la encontrábamos por ningún lado, ya pensábamos lo peor, pues ella no sale de casa, la única vez que se le ocurrió salir, se perdió una semana entera, y resulto que estaba en la casa de al lado, que se encuentra deshabitada, y desde allí no se asoma ni a la puerta.
Created by @robinsonlgil
Created by @derangedvisions