If you have been reading my posts over time, you probably know I use the Leofinance interface to publish the majority of them.
And what I use is mainly the long-form part of the website, but I do use Threads too, even though I don't thread as much as others do. I do take some information from it every once in a while, the bot+ChatGPT are doing their job pretty well (plus those who feed articles to them).
As we already know, the team is focusing a lot of energy and development on Threads, and that may be driving adoption. The Web2 options to create accounts, lite accounts (are they already operational or in the plan?) should make the transition for regular users outside Hive and even outside crypto much smoother.
At the same time, with the transition of focus from long to short-form content, this can be seen in the amount of attention that was given to the two options. And I have to say, the option to publish and see long-form content on Leofinance is kind of lacking at the moment.
It's not the first time I use the new UI to publish content and offer feedback regarding it. This is another time. Some of the remarks I had there - the most important ones - are fixed, which is great to see.
But I believe it's time for another feedback post, now that the interface moved to the main website,
1. Drafting Active by Default
This is something I already heard Khal saying it is a good idea. I'm just listing it here to have it written somewhere if it wasn't. Besides making a better UX by reducing the number of operations needed, someone might forget to turn it on and regret it.
In the meantime, if some of my readers are like me, they might get confused about why it doesn't activate when you click on it. If you write something in your post, it will. Thanks to those in Threads who gave me the tip! :)
2. [Bug] Permlink not properly generated
This is an important bug because if it happens, the user won't know what happened and why his post wasn't published.
Here's the edge situation that produces the bug:
If the user already has a post with the same permlink (which can happen frequently with short titles), the second post should have a random number suffix added to the permlink, to make it very unlikely to have conflicting permlinks.
The new interface doesn't do that. I created a test post with a test account, and the permlink was @testuser123/test
, same as a previous one.
I figured out what the issue was and changed the permlink by adding some numbers, and the post was published, but a regular user wouldn't know what the problem is.
By the way, it's great to see the possibility of changing the permlink in the new UI. I'll be using it.
3. Markdown Tables not working in the New Interface
I don't know if this is a bug or something that wasn't activated yet.
But for the long-form content, being able to properly format tables (and I assume other markdown code too) is important.
Personally, I use tables in enough posts to be a big issue.
4. Remembering most used tags
This is something I mentioned in my previous feedback, and it's pretty important for the UX. Saves time and potential typos.
5. Quality of Life: Show Word Count
It would be useful to show the word count on the preview. The Leofinance interface makes it so less text per line is displayed, and sometimes that can confusing regarding how much have you written.
For example, in my post from yesterday, I thought I had like 400-500 words and had below 300. Scrolling through the preview seemed longer.
6. [Display Bug] Schedule Publishing Obscures Options Underneath
I assume this has already been reported already, but if not here it is. The image says it all, I hope:
7. [Threads Bug]: Voting Bug Firefox
I reported this before but it hasn't been fixed. Just wanted to let you know that to vote on Threads I have to use Brave. It doesn't work on Firefox. I have Firefox for Linux Mint (mint-001 - 1.0), FF version 112.0.2 (64 bit).
Final Words
I'm sure you guys have been working to fix things, and maybe all of these points are on your radar. Maybe not the permlink one, since it isn't something very common to come into.
Now that I've given my feedback, allow me to go back to bed, my muscles are aching like crazy and need some rest for the meds to do their job quicker.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha