
Analyzing Elements from Land 2.0. What Are the Rewards of Landowners?

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3 min read

Yesterday, Matt published the second part of the Land 2.0 whitepaper draft, which focused on all the resources that will exist in the second major iteration of the Land Expansion.

It's probably better to read it with an eye on the flowchart disclosed in the first part of the whitepaper draft:Image from thread

Feeding Workers

In Land 2.0, workers could still eat grain, but they will prefer refined food specific to their element. By "prefer" we can understand it will have a productivity impact. Grain will still be heavily used because it is needed to produce all types of refined foods.

The question is, will we still have the artificial boosts or penalties for each element based on the terrain type in Land 2.0, or the boosts and potential penalties will be based entirely on the food our workers eat?

I think I remember Matt saying a long time ago the system would be replaced in Land 2.0, so we might not have both.

A system where food instead of terrain preference will determine the boosts and penalties will be more dynamic. It will also make the game more interactive and more cooperative. I checked what type of refined foods I would be able to produce on my land based on the type of elemental magic my plots are. For example, I don't have any Life magic plots, which is good, because life is the element I use the least on my plots.


As Matt mentioned in one of the town hall meetings, he thinks the SPS rewards should be stopped for land in Land 2.0, and given a different destination. He mentioned there will be a proposal in this regard. So far, there is no mention of SPS on the Land 2.0 whitepaper draft. I don't remember when SPS rewards for landowners started, but by the time Land 2.0 is here there will probably be years since they started being paid, with a 1% decrease in the pool monthly. I don't know what those focusing on mining SPS from their land will think about it, but for me, it makes sense.

Occupied plots - which currently have a 100% bonus to produce SPS rewards - will be where essences can be captured from, if we build outposts there. Essences will be needed pretty much everywhere, once they are refined into elemental essences.

What Are the Rewards of Landowners?

I've been asked in the past what are the rewards of owning land. Let's have a look.

Immediate Rewards

In Land 1.5

  • SPS rewards, if you build SPS mines
  • Time Crystals market (no way to produce/find them yet, just a speculative market based on existing holdings purchased with Starter Packages and sold below the price in-game)
  • totem fragments market
  • otc Grain market

In Land "1.6"

All in 1.5, plus

  • official Grain market (liquidity pool), instead of otc
  • DEC rewards for the DEC-Grain LP
  • slightly improved Rshares if you have a prefix title
  • something from Land Surfing

In Land 2.0

All in previous versions (with some caveats), plus

  • selling any of the many resources produced on Land, in raw or refined form, on official markets (liquidity pools with DEC)
  • LP rewards as DEC+Ellixir
  • helps create Enhanced Potions to increase chances of receiving a GF or legendary card for the entire game; needed for crafting Iterms on Spells too.
  • probably not SPS, but we will see what will be decided

Delayed Gratification

In Land 1.5 & 1.6

  • Research points
  • Potentially Totem Fragments

In Land 2.0

Secret of Praetoria

  • Trifoil Runes / Research
  • Totem Fragments
  • Gemstones

Items and Spells (coming in Land 3.0)

  • Polished Gems
  • Mana Crystals
  • Enhanced Potions

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