
Hive Needs More Devs Than Marketing

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2 min read

A statement we've gotten used to on Hive is that "development takes time". Some people started to question that, especially when developers are paid by the hour from the DHF...

There is quite a serious push on marketing and finding the best marketing strategy on Hive, but I wonder if we haven't reversed the correct order of doing things in enough cases: first have something to show to the world, then show it.

And to have something to show to the world, you generally need developers (and artists, UX/UI designers, etc.). Or business people who hire developers. Yes, content creators can have some impact, but the difference between rough content and a service or a product is that the latter attracts users in other ways inaccessible to content creators directly, and the latter can be built on top of content (or using it) too. It's like an assembled product compared to separate parts or rough materials. It has added value.

Image from thread

Here's where speed is as essential as quality, in a world that moves and changes so quickly. Even some of our top teams on Hive have taken very long building up their products: Splinterlands with Land expansion, 3Speak with SPK Network, INLEO with Project Blank (to give the old name placeholder for Threads), smart contracts on Hive, etc.

I know I'm stating a truism right now, but a way to increase the speed of development on Hive is to have more developers. There is a condition though: the new developers need to have up-to-date tools and documentation that make their job easy, otherwise they won't come or they will be reluctant to come when they have alternatives where these elements are well defined.

It isn't surprising that EVM ecosystems attract 9 out of 10 devs in the crypto space. And even if we look at ecosystems that are more in the spotlight than Hive nowadays, the number of their devs is in the thousands.

That makes things move faster (from the development standpoint) and seem more impressive, even when at the fundamental level they may be not. But things in crypto are more about what is more flashy and new than what is better and built the right way...

In my opinion, other than for awareness purposes, marketing should be pushed when there is something to market, until then, just build. And offer new developers who might join the conditions to learn how to code on Hive quickly without outdated resources.

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