
HiveFest 2023 Is Almost Here!

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2 min read

HiveFest is the culmination of the Hive's ecosystem gathering, meeting each other in real life and showcasing our developments and plans for the future every year. And we've been talking about it for weeks already.

It's almost here! In fact today is the first day, but one when the majority of attendees will arrive and maybe rest for a bit and interact with others.

Presentations will start tomorrow and will continue the next day. And then there will be two other days when participants should enjoy other activities. Potentially more days of fun for those who stay after the official Hivefest is over were hinted by Matt and Dan in their CTT podcasts.

At the time of writing, about 30 hours are left until the official livestream starts for the first day of the conference.

Screenshot from, the official Hivefest website.

That places the live presentations in the evening and late into the night for Europeans like me. But they are recorded if we only catch some of them live.

From the preparations I've seen made so far, this is going to be the most well-covered HiveFest for people who weren't able to attend.

There will be:

  • the official live streams of the conference
  • behind the scenes (these may be the 20-30min live broadcasts by @neopch, I am not sure) - I don't think we had these during previous Hivefests
  • daily threadcasts on Leo talking about Hivefest - we definitely didn't have this level of interaction possible from the community during the previous Hivefests, since Threads didn't exist in a well-developed form before
  • various X spaces during Hivefest, especially during breaks, talking about what will have been presented until then, which is another novelty at Rosarito
  • posts with pictures and videos, shared by participants, as we had in the past too

I am far far away from Rosarito, but through these modern means of communications that eliminate distances, to some degree, I will be much closer.

I am interested in both the presentations and how the future is seen through the eyes of those presenting, but I am also checking out new and old faces and the level of excitement they have, something I did at every Hivefest held in real life since Krakow.

These kind of gatherings like Hivefest are important for more than the presentations held. And it is very important they are annually and they are organized in different parts of the world, as much as possible. They strengthen relationships between attendees and allow different groups of people to participate, and also show those who stay at home a few or more faces behind usernames, which sometimes make a lasting impression.

Remember how surprised people were that lordbutterfly was... very tall in reality? Don't know how he looks in reality? No problem, look at this post. Did that Terminator shrink or what? 😀

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