In yesterday's post, I mentioned I'll have to grind more from now on, as I've volunteered to work on a project which I didn't mention at the time because I wanted to have at least something minimal to show you.
By now I trust most people reading this post have heard at least of the LeoGlossary project which @tasmaster4450le bravely embarked on about two weeks ago.
This is a project which requires a lot of work with the expectation of seeing more significant results somewhere in the medium term. Even if LeoGlossary needs a medium-long term perspective, Taskmaster already brought up a few encouraging signs in his posts. Here and here are two examples.
Hopefully, you've done a little more than hearing about it, because building internal links works much better when more people do it. ;)
Before yesterday, LeoGlossary consisted of cryptocurrency and finance terms and definitions.
But an overwhelming type of content on Hive is Splinterlands-related. I should know, I write quite enough gaming content myself. And that happens on Leofinance too. It's not by accident that Splinterlands was chosen as one of the initial Leo communities.
Since yesterday (or today to be fairer), LeoGlossary expanded to include Splinterlands terms & definitions.
And I volunteered to work on this part. Now the ground rule: don't compare me and Task! You know people say he's a machine, right? :) Well, I'm a mere human. But I'll do my part.
Here's where everything begins:
There are quite enough terms added already, and waiting for a definition. But please suggest to me other terms you'd like to see in there. This is not by any means the final list. I keep adding to it.
The glossary definitions/links won't be built in alphabetical order but rather based on their logical interconnection. So for example, I started with SPS which led to node validators and DEC, while node validators led to licenses and so on.
Don't be a stranger to SplinterGlossary if you write Splinterlands-related content, especially on Leofinance.
You should bookmark this page and start linking to definitions as they are added and you use them in your content.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta