This is the weekly update on the progress of SplinterGlossary.
What Is SplinterGlossary?
SplinterGlossary is that section of LeoGlossary that defines a glossary of inter-linked terms and definitions for Splinterlands. LeoGlossary is focused on financial, general crypto, but also including Hive and Leofinance terms and definitions, banking terms, and a series of specific lists.
Numbers of the Week
There are currently 138 terms in the SplinterGlossary, only 1 more than at the last update. I'm not focused on increasing them right now, it's more important to write more definitions and inter-link them.
We are up to 101 definitions written for SplinterGlossaey, 20 more since the last update, exactly as planned last week.
Some Details
Most of the definitions I added this week revolve around guilds.
Here are some of the new-terms-rich ones, that needed to be defined subsequently:
I hadn't added any guild definitions before this week, so anything related to them from the SplinterGlossary is from this week. And I think I cleared the guilds section, although maybe something may come up later when the Brawls part or anything else related to them will be upgraded.
Besides guild-related definitions, I also added a couple of unrelated definitions. Two of them that you might use quite frequently in your gaming posts are:
Plans for Next Week
I am not decided yet. Either I'll start writing missing definitions alphabetically from now on (and those new linked inside them), or I'll write more definitions from the letters having more definitions missing, or I'll look through and add those more likely to be used in posts first (more likely!).
I also was able to go through some of the older definitions and add inter-links to them this week. I plan to continue that next week too.
I don't want to add a batch of new terms until I am about to finish defining these ones. But between the abilities, rulesets, and a couple of others that can easily be added that's at least 100 more terms that could be added, bringing the total to almost 250 at that point.
Final Words
Remember that the success or not of this project depends a lot on the contribution of others. When you use terms defined in SplinterGlossary in your Splinterlands/gaming posts, it would be great if you'd link them to those definition posts.
Also, if you notice something wrong in any of the defined terms, please let me know in these weekly updates.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta