
SplinterGlossary: All Over the Place

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This is the weekly update on the progress of SplinterGlossary.
Image from thread

What Is SplinterGlossary?

SplinterGlossary is that section of LeoGlossary that defines a glossary of inter-linked terms and definitions for Splinterlands. LeoGlossary is focused on financial, general crypto, but also including Hive and Leofinance terms and definitions, banking terms, insurance terms, and a series of specific lists.

Numbers of the Week

This week I added 1 new term and 1 new list to the glossary, so we are currently at 321 terms and 12 lists.

Some Details

Updating older definitions was still the main focus of my week.

I started the week at the beginning of the letter P and I'm finishing it at the beginning of the letter S. S is the most populated letter from the glossary, so it won't be a surprise if at the next update I'll still be at the same letter.

Some definitions needed extensive updates. I haven't kept a track of all of them, but an example is

which was initially created right after the announcement was made, and now that the minting is over, some details needed to be updated (and a few links added).

Another definition that suffered major updates is

If I remember correctly, this definition missed many of the links and probably the paragraph referencing non-card market too.

I also added a list of ability-based daily focuses, after a discussion with @jfang003. The list (rather table) was already part of the daily focus definition, but I decided to make a separate definition for that too, for easier access.

And finally, I added the term, definition, and links for:

I think only a few remembered this title even existed (a very random name for what it was awarded for, btw). I saw people asking in the Mavericks' discord what it is for, and after a while, cryptomancer enlightened us. :) I used his words in the definition since I don't know anything more about it.

Plans for Next Week

You probably guessed it... The focus remains on adding links to older definitions (and updating them where needed).

Final Words

Remember that the success or not of this project depends a lot on the contribution of others. When you use terms defined in SplinterGlossary in your Splinterlands/gaming posts, it would be great if you'd link them to those definition posts.

Also, if you notice something wrong with any defined terms, please let me know in these weekly updates.

Image source: 1

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta