This is the weekly update on the progress of SplinterGlossary.
What Is SplinterGlossary?
SplinterGlossary is that section of LeoGlossary that defines a glossary of inter-linked terms and definitions for Splinterlands. LeoGlossary is focused on financial, general crypto, but also including Hive and Leofinance terms and definitions, banking terms, and a series of specific lists.
Numbers of the Week
This week I added 1 new term (list) to the glossary, so we are now at 316, almost all defined, and created 2 lists that were added previously. But the bulk of the week was dedicated to adding links to older definitions and updating them.
Some Details
As mentioned in the previous update, I created the two lists I had planned:
They can be useful because they group together these topical terms on one page, and without the need to search through the entire glossary or to know beforehand which terms relate to the two topics.
My main focus during the week was to add links to older definitions though. I'm currently at the letter "D", taken in alphabetical order (I skipped "A" because I went through it on a different occasion).
Not all definitions needed updating or adding links, but they all had to be checked. And it's quite a tedious job.
Check out the daily focus definition, for example. I believe it had about 10% of the number of links it has now (over 60).
Some definitions needed both added links and a significant update of the definition. An example of that is the definition for
The definition was written when announcements about changing the reward token from DEC to SPS were public, but the change hadn't occurred yet. Now that the ranked battles rewards have been updated, I needed that to reflect in the definition.
Plans for Next Week
@jfang003 gave me the idea to add a list of token names for Splinterlands assets on Hive-Engine. And I believe that's a very useful list, so I'll get on with it next week.
Other than that, I want to continue with adding links to (and updating them where the situation requires it) older definitions. Even now I keep my pace of 20 per week (new/updates), which is something I got used to.
If you have suggestions, as jfang had the other week, please put them in the comments. We'll see if that seems to work well with what we have so far.
Final Words
Remember that the success or not of this project depends a lot on the contribution of others. When you use terms defined in SplinterGlossary in your Splinterlands/gaming posts, it would be great if you'd link them to those definition posts.
Also, if you notice something wrong with any of the defined terms, please let me know in these weekly updates.
Image source: 1
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta