
What Do You Prefer Writing About When You Are Tired?

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2 min read

Today, we've been away trying to relax and have some fun with a few close relatives. Two of them we don't see very often because they are often away.

The day was fine and some time off is welcomed, but now that we are home, we are beaten.

And, as you can see, I haven't written my daily post yet...

For the past half an hour, maybe more, I tried to mentally browse a couple of themes I could write about today.

But nope... My mind is almost about to go on strike and leave me with a blank (actually, black) screen in front of my eyes.

And no, it's not from alcohol, at least in my case. I haven't been drinking any for over 20 years.

What tires me though are social interactions. It doesn't matter if they make me pleasure or not, I'm beat after being at an event, social gathering or even with a few close friends where I need to chit chat or even listen to others talk.

Image from thread

So here I am rambling because I am too fond of my daily posting routine.

But maybe something useful comes out of this post too.

What do you / would you write about when you are tired, assuming you don't want to skip the day?

There is the option to have something prepared in advance, in which case it doesn't matter how tired you are, you can post it (unless it's already scheduled).

To be honest. I didn't think I'd be so tired, or I would have gone this route.

There is the option you have a few filler posts already written to use when you need them. This is kind of similar to the option above but not exactly the same. The filler posts are not necessarily meant for one particular day or date, they are there as a draft to fill in when needed.

And now come the "live" options. I don't do videos, but knowing me, it would be even harder to articulate words when tired, than to type them. Maybe for others is the other way around.

Another option is a post with photos about your day or a specific moment or something similar. It doesn't require a focused mind, but you need the photos and being comfortable writing such posts. I used to write such posts every once in a while, but they are not my forte. And I also need to remember to take pictures, which I often don't. Except on vacations. Then I take too many of them, lol.

What if you are tired after a day at work (the 9-5 kind)? We can steal some ideas from @jongolson here and see how he manages the fixed schedule and still posts every day, after being self-employed for almost his entire adult life.

Do you have your own routine in this case, when you are tired and still wanting to publish a post on Hive? Please share!

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