
When Was the Last Time You Checked Your Hive Account Stats?

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2 min read

I admit I don't do it often, other than the stats I track for my weekly Hive goals updates.

But I thought I should do it today, as a point of reference, for the future.

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Mainly, I was curious how am I doing on the curation side, since I haven't checked that in a long while.

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8.13%... Not awful, but not great either. I remember having it a little higher, but never above 9%.

I am still earning more from author than from curation rewards, which denotes that I still have a relatively small account (at around 35k HP actively curating) since the ratio is reversed for very big accounts, even if they are active authors.

This is the situation at 30 days:

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Not significant amounts, but probably better than most newcomers. Consistency and seriosity pay off in time.

I'll continue to increase my HP so I can earn more curation rewards because let's be honest, curating is easier than creating daily posts, even when done manually and seriously.

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I almost never use my full vote, which is probably a mistake, because someone receiving a 100% upvote is happier than someone receiving a 30% upvote, even if in the latter case you can spread it to more people.

Nonetheless, a 1.6 HIVE full upvote is pretty nice, considering it was a slow grind up, and it will "look" more appealing 12 months from now.

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This is an error we keep seeing on many front ends, which makes me think it's not front-end related, but rather from the API side. Hopefully, we won't see these glitches anymore, as they have been around for quite some time already.

Obviously, my rep is not 25. This is my reputation, for what is worth:

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Interesting number of followers, 1111, but has been growing quite slowly recently. It is probably related to the fact that I haven't been as "visible" as I used to be. Following 455 accounts... I probably would have followed a much lower number of accounts if I didn't do it for the "Week through Adrian's Lenses".

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Well, I guess that's good enough for an overview. I'm not really interested in more details at this time.

On this occasion, I also pushed up the limit where starts following curation trails I have active to 95% (from 90%, which was kind of low), to favor more manual voting, and I've set self-vote to false, an option didn't have the last time I logged in, a long time ago. This prevents my account from self-voting as a result of following a curation trail, even though these situations were either rare or at very low weights anyway.

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