
It was a double workshop on spendHBD in Uyo Yesterday

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I started preparation for the workshop from 8:am. Everything I needed was in place except chairs. The person I made arrangement with failed me. I thought it will be a big challenge but God provided chairs for us in another way. While I getting things ready, I received a call from the chair of WTAPMAN to come and give health talk in their organization by 11:am. I told her that, I have a seminar I would not leave for anything. I told her that I will come by 1:pm if that is okay by them. She asked me the seminar I have that I cannot hand over to another person. I told her it is spendHBD. She paused and asked me, spendHBD! , I said yes, she said okay till you come. I continued to arrange the place for our workshop.

spendHBD started by 11:am


I don't like African time, anyone working with me know that very well. Immediately it was 11:am, I started with those who came on time. After explaining what spendHBD is, I thought them how to sign up newbies from distrator app which all of them practiced today. I also showed them how to use in their phone through hive keychain to shop from any listed business on distrator app. They learned how to change to their local currency and how to know HBD price and how to pay. It was an interesting workshop. During this time, I assigned older users to assist new ones to make post and to teach them what I thought them. Like I will always say, I love working with leaders not followers.

@chichieze helping @adajah

@oasiskp2 trying to sign up someone through distrator app.

After the training, we had group pictures.





Is time for shopping, we all went to Ekamimi provision store to shop but had very painful challenge. Day before yesterday, I tried shopping, the payment was successful but couldn't claim. I did all I can but it didn't go through until it expired. Today again, I tried it and same thing happened so I asked another person to shop with little amount so that I will know if the challenge was from my phone but it showed the same thing.

I tried to reach @fokusnow but could not reach him. I felt frustrated and disappointed. All who wanted to shop for the first time could not do so. I told them network was bad so we will be going for Shokin day on Saturday to shop. They were happy and we went back to my office where so many of them asked questions and got answers.

Outdoor spendHBD presentation


I mentioned earlier that I was called for a health talk in an organization. When I was called for that, I used 5 minutes to present spendHBD to all. It was so outstanding that one of the counselors said, he will come to my office by 3:pm tomorrow to register on hive and learn spendHBD. There was no room for people to ask much question or start signing up but was encouraged by the chairman for an interested person should get my number for more information on spendHBD project.

The chairman and her vice. She told me to get prepared for February meeting that she will give me 30 minutes to talk. It was by 5pm that I left the venue. I was so hungry that I looked for the next restaurant around there. I ordered for vegetable soup which took them 10 minutes to get it ready for me.



Man must wake weda good or bad 😅. After eating, I went to teaching hospital to massage my patient. It was too hectic on me yesterday. Though tired I have to pen down this activities now that is still in memory. For now, I'm dropping the pen and saying spendHBD will take you round the world. It will take you to places if you say yes to it now not later.