Hello and welcome to all my readers.
Welcome back to the risingstar world.
There are many ways to earn tokens. To earn starbits, you can do regular or special missions, custom shop missions etc.
To earn starpro. Music promotions is the only way for now.
With the starbits earned, you can purchase card packs or provide liquidity in pools, swap to starpro etc.
Recently, Risingstar team added a new liquidity pool, Starbits:Swap.Hive with rewards. They have added a variety of tokens as rewards.
I jumped into it and provided liquidity to that pool.
This is what i earn daily
This month, I have earned a decent amount of starbits, will add it to the pool next week. Also convert some part of starbits to starpro
As there is only one way to earn starpro in the game. I usually use swap services to convert my starbits to starpro.
I am currently on level 167. Ego is 0%.
Today, i opened 12 card packa. Found one epic card.
My Millionaire missions fuel my card purchase. I am glad i acquired the Millionaire card when risingstar was issuing it. Starbits price has gone way down since then.
card packs
1 Epic, 11 Rare and 24 common cards,
Lots of duplicate cards, will buy some unique rare tomorrow. I do plan to sell few cards too :-)
Game Stats:
Skills 162148 - from cards, 291439 from lessons
Fans - 206568 from cards, temporary 0 minus 60 fans at a rave.
Luck - 50961
Cards - 5102
Ego from fans - 206568 (0 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 188102
Total - 394670
Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 290000
Players Ranking:
Thank you for reading my post.
Have a nice day.
Start your risingstar journey. Join risingstar using my referral link: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=imfarhad
Please don't create multiple accounts you will be banned.
Failure is not the opposite of Success. It is part of Success.
--- William Ritter
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Posted Using InLeo Alpha