
Crypto: Gut & meaningful Connections

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When I first learned about crypto in 2017, most people around me had no idea what BTC was or what crypto was all about. It felt like some sort of alien tech controlled by some dark magic.

I remember working this particular gig in 2015 and having to create a wallet to receive my payment; it felt like sorcery, but it was true. What we knew was Instagram and Facebook, but nothing truly personal like crypto, which is why web3 still feels strangely unfriendly to a web2 maxi.

There was not much information on Google, and no one did not know enough to be your crypto bro.

However, joining Steem Hive made things much better. We had people who had an idea of what crypto really was. Although it was not exactly everything you needed to know, you got a hint.

I recall attending a Nigerian meetup in 2017, and most of the OGs had no idea what crypto was, so we were hardly being educated because they, too, lacked information. So we went to eat and take pictures, and that was about it.

I think it took me years to even understand a lot, despite being on Hive for years, I only got to truly understand how crypto works from 2022. Most of us have had to learn the hard way.

The hard way entails asking questions, verifying information, making crypto friends, following crypto-based accounts, and possibly digging deeper.

I have a crypto bro who was the one who onboarded me; unfortunately, we both had no idea how crypto worked, but he had a better understanding, and over the years I have relied on him for information while also learning for myself.

So here's the thing: many people start learning, then abandon it when it does not pay off, and then return to learning when it is time to earn, so most of the time, they learn when they should be earning because they did not earn when they should have been learning.

There's a lot to know, so much knowledge, and when you see the likes of edicted posting about crypto, you probably wouldn't know how many years of trial, error and experience they've been through.

In crypto, you need people and that's just it.

You need someone you can text for clarification and understanding.

It might not even be a person, but a group of people; you do not even need to be close to them; just have access, whether it is through their discord or whatever, but just have people, and if you are navigating the Crypto or Hive space without making any real connections with people who have real-world experiences, it is probably going to be more difficult than you realize.

Many people did not have that in 2021, which is why it was likely the worst bull run ever. Are people wiser now? Yes, then why? People learn the hard way, and we do not learn unless it is difficult.

The advantage is that information is now available everywhere, and the amount you learn is determined by how hard you look.

The Gen Zs who are now onboarded to crypto has information at the tip of their fingers. They can easily click on the crypto tag on Hive to learn not only how Hive works, but also a lot about crypto.

What is even better is that they can easily click, comment, and ask the owner of the post for clarification on any questions they might have. You do not have to rely on one random BTC-goddess who posts on YouTube to understand; these guys are most likely just looking for views and likes and do not care about you.

It is why you need people who care whether you go far or not, and they do not have to be your friends and family; it is that simple.

In Conclusion

Many people forget that Hive is much bigger than it appears to be. Some users underestimate the knowledge they have gained, the real-time friends they have made, and the people they have become closer to, to the point where they fall in love with time.

We have real-time events like HIVEFEST, where people can go and make real-life connections. In reality, I am grateful for the knowledge, connections, experience, and everything.

Hive is by far the most authentic Blockchain, with an actual community and experience, rather than just numbers and volumes, and I believe that these will be counted sooner than later.

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