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All I ever wanted to do was feel loved. I remember the first day of school when we walked into the cafeteria looking for the classroom. We were so mischievous that we would do anything to avoid following the rules. As long as there was a rule we would break it together, just for the feeling it gave us. It wasn't much, but we did quite a lot of stupid things.

Do you remember when Dr Tyson was looking for the chemistry textbook he was still in process of writing, only for him to see duplicate copies of it everywhere in school, he called us duplicate instead of twins and it was your idea to teach him the meaning of the word duplicate. Oh I can still remember the goosebumps I felt when we were caught loading coach’s bags with fireworks and rubbing gasoline on the bags surface for Halloween, I think that was the scariest thing we ever did together.

The only reason we were not punished was because Ethan flooded the coach's office with mercury. Although I was always scared, and you were always brave, all I wanted was to be with my sister. But I guess I was the only one who got punished for what we tried to do to coach because after seeing what Ethan had done I lost my sister forever. You always had the charm by the way, so it was only natural Ethan would fall for you. And even though he was a flirt, I guess you just changed him.

Is that what you think, if only you knew (Kate said with a sad smile)... Do you think Ethan loves me? Do you even know why it looks like I do mischievous things, you say you just want to feel loved as though you don't see how loved you are. Can you even remember the first mischievous thing I did when we were 4, you were so intelligent that mum and dad would shower you with all kinds of toys, and as the good sister you're, you would always want to share with me. (She continued as tears rolled down her cheeks)

To date nobody knows how the mansion got burnt, I didn't mean to do something that bad, I just wanted to be noticed so I took took all of my dresses to the fire place, hoping to burn them up so that I could get new ones, but unfortunately some of the dresses were so flammable that they caught fire the moment they felt the heat of the fire. I was so scared so I ran and before anyone knew what had happened, everywhere was on fire. You have always been daddy's little girl. That's not true (faith objected)

It's true, (Kate continued) You do not know how proud you make them. Do you know where I go when we play catch? I would sneak into our parents bedroom and anytime they talk, Dad always talks about how he wishes I was a little bit of you. You're so smart, and I wanted to be better, I wanted everyone to notice me. Dad is only hard on you because he thinks if he allows you I would corrupt you. I've always been the bad child Faith, No one loves me, not even Ethan. The reason he changed was so you would notice him. (Kate said as she burst into tears)


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Faith stood in shock, she couldn't believe what her twin was saying, reminiscing about all the times she felt abandoned by her sister, she just wanted her sister to notice her, meanwhile her sister was seeing her as the competition

Are you shocked? How do you feel knowing the truth now, and knowing you have trapped all of us simply because you were trying to be me, while I was trying to be you… (Kate said as she laughed sarcastically)

Enough you two, I'm sorry Faith for everything. I guess everything was fine between you and your sister until I came into the picture. Yes I love you, and now that I finally got to say it out loud I feel embarrassed. You're beautiful, intelligently intimidating and kind hearted. These past few months with Kate have made me realize something. You too love each other so much, Kate loves you even though she has a very funny way of showing it. And trust me she's always looking out for you, even when she pretends not to notice you. Please don't allow Us to come in-between you and your sister, right now you are the only family you have.(Ethan said)

I'm sorry too for always coming at you Faith, Truth be told I kinda liked you too, but I thought I wasn't good enough for you. In fact I thought I wasn't good enough for anyone, that was why I was always following Kate and Ethan so I could feel like I mattered.

You see Faith, Everyone loves you, and no one loves me. (Kate Said)

That's also not true Kate, Sam loves you. (Ethan said)

No, Sam Hates me.

No he doesn't, he doesn't know how to tell you, and because he's my friend he doesn't want to come between us, so he shows you the opposite of everything he feels.

Kate; I guess we've all been stupid then. Can someone just come fix this Elevator before we suffocate in our emotions here.

Faith; I love you too Kate, as she hugs her sister from behind.

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