
LeoGlossary: Screen (Film Industry)

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This can also be called "The Big Screen".

In the context of Hollywood and the film industry, the term "screen" can refer to several different things:

  1. Movie Screen: This is the large, flat surface in a movie theater on which films are projected. It's where the audience watches the film.

  2. Screenplay: A screenplay is the written script for a movie. It's the foundation for a film, outlining the dialogue, actions, and directions for the actors, as well as describing the scenes and settings. Screenplays are essential for the pre-production and production phases of a film.

  3. Screen Test: A screen test is an audition or test that an actor or actress undergoes to determine their suitability for a particular role in a film. It's a way for filmmakers to assess how an actor looks and performs on screen before making casting decisions.

  4. Green Screen: This is a technique used in filmmaking where actors are filmed in front of a green (or sometimes blue) background, which can be replaced with other images or backgrounds during post-production. This allows for a wide range of visual effects and settings to be added to a scene.

  5. On-Screen/Off-Screen: When referring to actors or characters, "on-screen" refers to their presence and actions within the movie, while "off-screen" refers to everything that happens outside the frame of the camera or off-camera.

  6. Screening: A screening is a private or public showing of a film. It can be a test screening, where a movie is shown to a select audience for feedback before its official release, or a public screening in a theater for an audience to watch the film.

  7. Small Screen: This term is often used to refer to television, as opposed to the big screen of a movie theater. "Small screen" also encompasses content viewed on computers, tablets, and smartphones.

These are some of the common meanings of the term "screen" in the context of Hollywood and the film industry. The specific meaning can vary depending on the context of the conversation.


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