
Experiencia de roko durante largas horas de viaje en carro / Experience roko during long hours of travelling by car.

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Saludos mis amigos amantes de las mascotas

Llegaron las vacaciones decembrinas, y al planificar el viaje, lo primero que pienso es en mi querido roko, ya que tener una mascota nos modifica totalmente la planificacion del viaje, ya sea lo hagamos en avion, carro. Y pensar dejarlo bajo el cuidado de algun familiar, si que me parte el alma ya que sabemos cuanto sufren cuando no estamos a su lado, nosotros somos todo para ellos, si apeneas lo dejamos solo unas horas y se emocionan tanto cuando volvemos, me imagino que sentiran cuando pasan las horas, dias y no nos ven, se me arruga el corazon.

El viaje lo hicimos en carro, fueron muchas horas de viaje aproximadamente 20 horas de carretera, lo hicimos por escala 8 horas un dia, y 12 horas el dia siguiente. Por experiencia de viajes anteriores, roko marea en las curvas, por lo que esta vez no le di comida antes de salir y le di una pastillita para el mareo, en las paradas que hacemos para evhar gasolina o ir al baño, tambien lo saco para que haga sus necesidades y lo hidrato con un poco de agua. Cuando comenzamos el viaje se quedo quieto unas horas, pero me imagino que al pasar el efecto de las pastilla, se puso muy inquieto, no sabia donde acomodarse, adoptaba una postura que era donde encontraba calma con el rabo hacia arriba, y la cabeza en el asiento, asi al estilo perro boca abajo. Esto me imagino que le daba mas estabilidad.

Me imagino cuanto se estresan por tantas horas de viaje, si uno como humano se fastidia, ellos aun mas, y sobretodo por el tema del equilibrio, se movia de un lado al otro, se ponen muy inquieto y por el tema del mareo trato de mantenerlo estable. Buenos gracais a Dios en este viaje solo mareo una vez en las curvas, pero bueno me imagino que a pesar de estar estresado por las horas de viaje, esto se le hacia llevadero por el hecho de estar al lado de la familia juntos.

Greetings my pet-loving friends

The Christmas holidays are here, and when I plan my trip, the first thing I think of is my beloved dog, because having a pet totally changes the planning of the trip, whether we do it by plane or car. And the thought of leaving him in the care of a relative, if that breaks my heart because we know how much they suffer when we are not at their side, we are everything to them, if we leave him just a few hours and they are so excited when we return, I imagine what they feel when the hours, days pass and they do not see us, my heart wrinkles.

We did the trip by car, it was a long journey, approximately 20 hours on the road, we made a stopover of 8 hours one day, and 12 hours the next day. From experience of previous trips, roko gets dizzy in the curves, so this time I didn't give him food before leaving and I gave him a little pill for the dizziness, in the stops we make to get gas or go to the bathroom, I also took him out to do his needs and hydrated him with a little water. When we started the journey he stayed still for a few hours, but I imagine that when the pills wore off, he became very restless, he didn't know where to sit, he adopted a posture that was where he found calm with his tail upwards and his head on the seat, like a downward facing dog. This I imagine gave him more stability.

I can imagine how stressed they are by so many hours of travel, if one as a human is annoyed, they even more, and especially on the issue of balance, he moved from one side to the other, they get very restless and for the issue of dizziness I try to keep him stable. Well, thank God on this trip he only got dizzy once on the curves, but I imagine that despite being stressed by the hours of travel, this was made bearable by the fact of being next to the family together.

Todo el contenido es de mi autoría y las imágenes son de mi propiedad
Fotos fueron tomadas con mi Honor Xa plus
Traducido con Deepl
Separador editado en Canva

All content is my own and the images are my property.
Photos were taken with my Honor Xa plus
Translated with Deepl
Publisher edited in the application Canva


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