Hola amigos de #familyandfriends feliz mitad de semana espero que esten muy bien, hace dias les compartí parte de lo que fue nuestro viaje a la playa, pero fueron tantas cosas y tantas fotos que sin duda debia dividirlos en varios posts jeje y hoy les quiero compartir lo que fue nuestro segundo dia en la playa, un viaje que sin duda hizo que el 2025 iniciara de la mejor manera.
Hello friends of #familyandfriends happy midweek I hope you are very well, days ago I shared with you part of what was our trip to the beach, but there were so many things and so many photos that no doubt I had to divide them into several posts hehe and today I want to share what was our second day at the beach, a trip that certainly made the 2025 started in the best way.
Luego de pasar nuestro primer dia a full en la playa, estabamos todos en modo camaron jaja pero delicioso la verdad, ese dia noc fuimos a dormir como a las 11pm y evidentemente caimos todos rendidos rapido, los unicos que se bañaron de noche fueron mi cuñada y hermano y Ema lloraba para meterse tambien jajaja es que se queria convertir en sirena 😂 la sirena mas bella y quemada jeje, aproveché de tomarles algunas fotos a los dos, porque Chris parecía un bello camaron tambien 🥰🥰
After spending our first full day at the beach, we were all in shrimp mode haha but delicious the truth, that day we went to sleep at 11pm and obviously we all fell asleep quickly, the only ones who bathed at night were my sister in law and brother and Ema cried to get in too hahaha she wanted to become a mermaid 😂 the most beautiful and burned mermaid hehe, I took the opportunity to take some pictures of them both, because Chris looked like a beautiful shrimp too 🥰🥰.
El siguiente dia nos levantamos bien temprano con intensiones de ver el amanecer, a las 5am ya estabamos despiertos y caminar a la orilla de la playa con todo vacio fue una experiencia demasiado deliciosa 😍 obvio tomé muchas fotos jaja
The next day we woke up very early with the intention of watching the sunrise, at 5am we were already awake and walking along the beach with everything empty was a very delightful experience 😍 obviously I took many pictures haha
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Lamentablemente el sol no salió por donde esperabamos jajaja pero igual tomé algunas fotos de la playa asi solita con el sol ya asomando su claridad 🥰
Unfortunately the sun did not come out where we expected hahaha but I still took some pictures of the beach alone with the sun already peeking its clarity 🥰.
Ema se activo a las 6:30 y aunque no lo crean, queria playa a esa hora jajaja es imparable esa niña, aun hinchada y ya queria playa jajaja pero pude distraerla una hora mas y a las 7:30 ya iba para la playa
Ema became active at 6:30 and believe it or not, she wanted the beach at that time hahaha that girl is unstoppable, still swollen and already wanted the beach hahaha but I could distract her for another hour and at 7:30 she was on her way to the beach.
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Obviamente este dia cumplimos nuestro reto de Murphy casero tambien en la playa, y aunque costaba un poco mas los saltos de tijera, me lo disfrute mucho🥰
Obviously this day we did our homemade Murphy challenge also at the beach, and although it was a little more difficult to do the jumping jacks, I enjoyed it a lot🥰.
Por supuesto todos disfrutamos de la playa jeje. Mi abuela era una niña mas por cierto jeje se la disfrutó mucho
Of course we all enjoyed the beach hehe. My grandmother was just another little girl by the way hehe she enjoyed it very much.
Para bañarme este dia decidí usar una franela, porque qur va, el ardor se los hombros no era normal jajaja asi que este dia no me quemé!! Pero el disfrute fue igual!! Ya ese dia regresamos a casa a eso de las 3pm justo cuando la playa estaba mas rica por cierto jajaja pero bueno habia que volver
To bathe this day I decided to wear a flannel, because the burning in my shoulders was not normal hahaha so this day I didn't get burned! But I enjoyed it just the same! That day we went back home aJround 3pm just when the beach was the most delicious by the way hahaha but we had to go back!
Me despido con la inmensidad del bello mar que me invitaba a volver muy pronto 😍😍
I say goodbye with the immensity of the beautiful sea that invited me to come back very soon 😍😍.
Fotos tomadas con mi Infinix hot 4oi
Portada editada en PicsArt
Photos taken with my Infinix hot 4oi
Cover edited in PicsArt