
That's what friends are for

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Having a good relationship with people matters a lot especially when you have been very close to one who later became a friend more closer than a brother. Today something happened, a long time friend of mine who was really very close to me came to my place today. We have known each other even before we entered the same university. All through my years in the university we have been close to each other even as we graduated he spends almost every hour of the day in my place. We gist we talk, he specially loves raising topics on cryptocurrency and keeps me updated with factors that can affect the market at every given time.
I'm glad that we got reunited again. We have been so close to each other that each time he comes to my place he feels at home and even sometimes fall asleep.
Sometimes I'll make time to visit him in his place but because of the situations in his area, my place has become a more comfortable place to be in. Today I really can't contain my joy. The truth is when I first heard his voice I couldn't contain my joy because I knew that no one else around would have such a tone of voice if not him. I left behind everything I was busy with and decided to go to the front door and confirm what I already have knowledge of. When I opened the door and checked, it was truly him.
I welcomed him in a heartwarming way and he walked in without hesitation as my place is like his second home.
Most of the things he shared with me were about his journey to a new location, the type of food he's seen there, their major occupation and how he secured his accommodation.

Looking at him today I could clearly see the benefits of changing locations, he has gotten a bit fairer than before and his body looks nourished. When he hadn't come back, most of our phone conversations were based on how cheap food has been in his new location. Also he testified of the favor he received of having been given an acre of land without paying a dime. At first I thought he was joking but we've been close enough to know when he is serious and when he is joking.
In fact when I realized he was telling the truth, I almost packed my luggage and set out on a journey to that location but then he told me it was only for those who are interested in agriculture and it is to be taken back after a few years.
I was really happy for him that he got that piece of land because he has always been a lover of agriculture and even seems to be more into it than I am because he talks more about it even before he had to travel. Although I myself love agriculture and talk about it and have even given him some ideas concerning certain aspects of agriculture I'll love to explore but I'm not the type that talks for long on a particular topic at all times.

Really with him around, I know that this Christmas will be one to be remembered because I know definitely we will visit each other's homes so eating and enjoyment will be doubled. Somehow I feel confident that he will definitely be visiting my home this Christmas because he loves having a good time and enjoying himself and he knows that I have six fully grown white hens that always look overfed waiting and eating heavily to reach the 25th of this month.
Indeed it's really a good thing to have a true friend but not just that, it's good to maintain friendships and if there must be a separation, let it be a separation that is not of quarrel but for exploration and with great expectations.
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It's difficult to find a true friend nowadays but by any chance when we have one let's be willing to cherish their presence in their lives. Deep down I have this feeling that if my friend happens to travel to the farthest country away from home he will fill in the gap for me and whatever I wish in that location will be done for me.
Having a true friend is like having a rare gem and whenever you too decide to put heads together to achieve a common goal, you'll definitely come out in flying colors. I love my friend so much, please show your friends more love and win their hearts.

Thank you very much for stopping by to read my post.

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Video Source: YouTube

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