
Does Hive Blockchain Demands Your All as to Give You All?

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Hive blockchain, an exceptional blockchain among all the blockchains, has proven beyond doubt that it is exceptional, and the better part is that it has set a standard that other blockchains aren't reaching anytime soon, and even if they reach that very standard, hive blockchain must have added a different standard where it will be difficult to break the already established standard by other blockchains.

Inasmuch as hive blockchain is wonderful, there is more to it than someone on the outside or someone who deeply doesn't understand it might misinterpret, and this creates the gap between the community drivers and the mere community make-up. I don't actually know if after writing this article I won't be attacked, but the main essence of this article is to put each and every hiver on the toe to do more, notwithstanding the level one is at at the moment, but for the sake of those that are already the ring leaders as they are role models for others to follow, all we ask is the encouragement and the corrections when needed so as to improve where we are lacking. To an extent, I am faulty in this article, but I have to stir up the minds of others, so we do it together.

Case of Consistency

It is not in doubt that being on hive Blockchain demands one to be up-to-date and consistent in all matters relating to not just adding traffic to this ecosystem but also bringing value to the system. One thing I have known about a hive is that it holds onto it's value no matter what. The division of the communities into different angles of interest with various topics pertaining to these communities holds unto the value the community has in that aspect, and for this high level of value to be held, there must be people that are willing and ready to drive such value in through their consistency in content creation, participation in the campaigns, and promotion tactics the community might indulge in so as to bring the value to an ultimate height.

The concept of value in the hive cannot be talked about without consistency in performing the duties that bring in value. There are hundreds of subscribers in each community, and if half or more of those community subscribers consistently create well-meaning articles and ponder upon the topics created in the comment section such that each post published would have at least 15 or more comments under it, the value of the community in terms of content creation is being restored. Of course, there are catches to them, as one of the things I know about Hive is that curation is based on post quality.

If bringing value to the hive involves consistency in writing quality content, that means those to write must have been researchers and critical thinkers that will consistently explore the ecosystem of the tenets and areas of interest such communities hold so as to be community drivers, and in this case, the community and, in extension, the Blockchain demand your all so as to give you all.

Case of Campaign Participation and Workloads

Obvious enough is the fact that, to an extent, there are communities that engage in various campaigns and giveaways for which there are tasks one should do that qualify the user to win the giveaway of something similar. Known to us is the fact that for a prize to be won, the winner must have given in some exceptional work force, loads, and rates more than the other contestants; if so be the case, it must have been that firstly the winner before now has understood what the campaign is all about, has done the necessary tasks that demand the prize, and also knows what this will bring to the community.

The end product of these campaigns set by some communities isn't just about the price but rather about the full involvement in the community so as to raise the rate of communication and relations between each user and the other in the community, because to an extent, some tasks relating to winning the price for any of the campaigns are the communications and relations between each user in the form of comments in posts published.

Meanwhile, I invite you to a campaign currently going on that involves making hive blockchain known to the globe with a catch of 5,000 HBD. It is open to all on this platform; come and let's make the hive known. This campaign is anchored by the Leofinance community. To participate, press the link below

It is not just about being in the Blockchain but rather making your presence known by driving value and traffic to the Blockchain so that not just you but others outside of the fold of this Blockchain come in and explore it more.

Thanks for stopping by, friends. Have a blessed day

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha