
Splinterland's: Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

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Splinterland's: Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

After a very long time, I am entering into the battle mage secret challenge. In my initial days, I used to compile my list of battles also to showcase the abilities or card strengths but I guess Splinterland's DB stores the battle details for some limited number of days and I understand it is not possible to store all the battle details when we are having millions of battles each day.


The ruleset for the current battle challenge is "Aimless" where all the monsters get the "scattershot" ability. In short, your team's monster will attack "aimlessly" or in random order, and the same will be true for the opponent's monsters.

Randomness that is caused by this rule will prohibit you from creating any attack strategy target towards the tank, tail, or sniping the opponent. In my opinion, when you get this ruleset, the best thing is to get the high "swiftness" monster in the team so that they will attack first to take down the enemy monster.
Also, high swiftness will increase the chance that the opponent will miss the attack on our monsters when they attack.

My Ruleset


I got the ruleset "Aimless" with no "legendary" monster in the team. The team mana is also very low i.e. only 13.

I decided to go with the "OBSIDIAN" summoner that will give me a +1 magic attack. I decide to bank on the high swiftness of the Regal Peryton. In the first position, I decided to use Mycelic Morphod, which has thorns ability. I put Venari Marksrat in the middle and hoped that if it was killed first then both of the remaining monsters in my team would benefit from its Martyr ability.

Moving towards Battle.


Above is the screenshot of the team with all the monsters and summoner abilities in effect.
The opponent has chosen the "Thadius Brood" as its summoner and it has neutralized the +1 magic attack effect granted by Obsidian, Furthermore it -1 Health to my monster is a great setback to my team especially as it is low mana battle.


Round 1 did not go to my liking as I was not able to take down any of the opponent's monsters but lost Mycelic Morphd against my wishes to benefit from the "martyr" ability of Venari Marksrat.


But Round 2 went well for me, though I wanted Regal Peryton to take down the opponent's tail monster Soul Strangler but it took down the opponent Fenmoor Haunt. To my luck, Opponent Soul Strangler took down my Venari Marksrat, granting the +1 magic attack and health to my Regal peryton.
If you see the screenshot of the round 3 start, you will be able to see that I am not going to lose this battle now.

Here is Link to Battle ID

Note for my affiliates

If you want to play splinterlands then you can join it here

I saw few of the player joined the game using my affiliate link and then stopped playing after few battles. If you have any difficulty in playing game, do not hesitate and join the game discord. It is really helping community and contact me here or on discord, I will definitely review your game for your better game experience.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha