
My Fantasy Creature Ever

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Certain creatures excites and marvel us. We get amazed with stories and behaviors of those creatures especially when we read them on books and watch them on movies. Their actions characterized the movie and give titles to the settings.

One of the greatest TV series of all time is Game of thrones where multiple kingdoms, families and individuals thrives and lay claim on the throne and rulership. The presence of dragons on the scene excites the viewers. It even what gave John Snow and his wife, the absolute authority over the dominion. When she was injured and killed, the vexation of dragon melt the throne and it's struggles.

This movie amaze and educate me a lot. For centuries, British myths and classical writings are based on superstition and funny creatures like dragons and flying horses. Having them dramatized as in game of thrones makes me to watch it over and over.

They are brings more delight and gladdens our hearts when we saw or read about them. They just fantastic and awesome. Their qualities and abilities are highlighted and give more information on the scenes. Imagine having a huge creature that can fly and glide over like aeroplane and split off fire over its enemies while protecting its loved ones. Is it not magically? Dragons excite me a lot.

These animals fight just cause. Mostly found in the movie and books because of their just cause. They stand up and protect their loved ones who might have saved them when they were infant and weak. The bond between them is so strong and lovingly. Such great relationships teaches us how we can live together in peace and treat others lovely. Despite the limitations and challenges, such creatures with their might arms and strength can be our friends and protect us.

Movies and books like such creatures shapen our young minds and teach us valuable lessons. In our local folklore, mythical stories of animal kingdom excite and educate each other. Older generations uses that means to teach us to be clever, honest and other virtues which will bind each other in love. Stories of the cunning and wise ways and words of Tortoise refresh and educate us on how to behave. No matter how intelligent it is, it might have a wonderful ending or worst depending on how it treats others.

Hearing such folklore for long, it's very practical and impressive to watch them. Most young ones did not have the chance of seeing such creatures live. Growing up in remote villages give us good and rare opportunities


Such creatures excite and educate us a lot. Their strength and greatness keep us in awe and provide us. The closeness with humans shows us how to treat others in love. Their ways and examples sharpen our mind and make it memorable.

Although most of those animals are dramatized for pleasure, do not exist any where or any part of the world but are employed as a means of entertainment and educational. That's a good idea for us.

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