
Tech and Design: My Dream Car|| Weekly Contest #214

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I have said it and I will keep saying it, owning a car is not luxury, it is a definite necessity. Living in an ultramodern city such as the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, requires every individual to own their own means of transportation.

The simple reason simply being, the facilities for owning cars are there, good road networks, well mapped out city networks and no much road traffic; the roads are wide enough so yea, why not?
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Having a simple means of transportation is not an invitation to just own anything anyways, the most acceptable form of transportation in almost all places in Abuja is a car, no matter how small or big, a car can go anywhere in this city.

Brings me to the issue of what my dream car would be if I would own one right now.
Any one who knows me knows I love and crave only two brands of car assemblers or makers, The Peugeot brand and the Benz brand; if that's the right nomenclature.

In this economy and with my financial state, I cannot afford a car but if I were to afford it right now, I would start small and I would most probably buy a Peugeot 206. When I have really hit it big, then I will go bigger, I would go for the latest brand of any latest Peugeot brand and any Benz brand of the year.
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Reason why I would go for a Peugeot 206 right now is simple, it is a small and compact car.
I'm overwhelmed with the charming design that encompasses style and practicality.
I love the size and comfort the car provides.
It's engine too, oooooh the variety it provides ranging from 1.1 litre petrol engine to the 1.6 litre engine to the 16V 1.4 litre engine, is just so cool.
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Some might say the Peugeot 206 is small, yes it is but I mostly love it for compact and neat interior with a relatively large sized booth for a car it's size.

The major reason why I'm looking forward to buy a Peugeot and a Benz in the future is because of the the attention to detail the car makers have when making cars, they are very durable and have good second hand value as well.
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After a long day's work I love to listen to good music and for a hard day's work I love me some relaxing songs, I listen to Chris brown often and I have completely memorised all his songs, my new favourite song is his single Sensational featuring Davido and Lojay!

I could sing that song in my sleep, I love his voice so much and all his songs.

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