
RE: Another Top Exchange Lists HIVE: Details

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Good News and nice summary of Hive exchange activity.

I think it’s ironic that the most active change for Hive is in Korea, considering the bad blood that developed between people who left Steemit and some of the Korean supporters of Justin Sun during the time period of the HardFork. But I guess the amnesty agreement that returned the previously frozen Hive of so many Koreans has helped heal those wounds. That same Korean Exchange was always the biggest exchange for Steem also.
I remember when Steemits leader went to Korea to recognize the Korean community and show appreciation. Time has changed many things. But money heals many wounds.
It would be interesting and potentially profitable to determine why there is so much activity on Korean Exchanges for Steem and Hive. I suspect it is a secret arbitrage opportunity know to the Koreans or available only to them.

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