
Special Ops: Lioness – The Beating – Season 1 – Episode 2 – RECAP

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Special Ops Lioness is still ramping up at an internal level of the team, there are few things that we now for sure so far, one is that Joe is in charge and two that Cruz is going to be the bait but after loosing a Lioness to a tattoo on her side Joe doesn't want to risk it again and this time is taking her Lioness Cruz to another level of pain because the hardest part of Joe's job is to when she has to extract her after she gets discovered, she has to know how much time she has before Cruz breaks and start singing, with your head on the line most do and that's how much time Joe needs to know before she takes the decision to drop a missile from a drop on Cruz head.


Joe learn the hard way from her previous experience that when an agent blow their cover, a women in this case; and they have more than ten men looking around with a big ass Machete on their hands trying to find her to behead them and set on fire while they get recorded, everyone brakes, they stop thinking and have no clue what to due, that's when clock starts ticking for Joe and why last time she took the decision to drop the hammer and a missile before her Lioness go through all that pain, this time she got Cruz a well trained Marine but Joe feels even Cruz breaks, usually in this type of stories Marines like Cruz who have nothing to loose, no family, no children, no boyfriend, they still have ghosts from the past that hunts them, everybody does, but its up to us how to keep them in the closet, Joe knows this very well and wants to learn Cruz breaking point, that's what she meant here to put Cruz through the grinder.


Work for an intelligence agency and in a program like Joe is probably the worst job to keep a family, similar to her Neal, Joe's husband also has one of the worst job in the planet, I say this because some times he has to face parents and tell them their child has little chances to survive a decease and its probably just to enjoy the little time they might have left, he is a doctor that work with patients with terminal cancer and some times he needs balls of steel to be the ones who drop the news to the family of his patient.










Episode 1:

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