
Duke's treatment, evolution, medicines and feeding 🐶 (Eng - Spa)

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Duke is my furry son and the last member of my family, since he was a puppy he has shown signs of being allergic with lots of sneezing and itching in his body, but it did not happen until 4 years ago we moved house and everything slowly got worse, at the beginning because it was a big house with a yard he was very happy, you could see him running everywhere, smelling the plants and rolling on the ground, however, after a while his itching got worse and it became evident that he had some kind of allergy.

During this time his condition worsened to the point of breaking his skin when scratching, and his condition fills me and the family in general with stress and anxiety, I have tried in many ways to find a solution and we have visited several veterinarians until two months ago I found a veterinarian skin specialist, She made an analysis and gave her a definitive diagnosis, Dermatitis due to allergy, but we don't know what causes her allergy, so first I sent her a treatment to rule out the cause, because it could be a food allergy, environmental or other factors.

This treatment was based on an antifungal because he found fungus, also indicated prednisone to help him to desinflate and as an antiallergic, antibiotic cefadroxil, and a special shampoo to bathe him weekly, as food I indicate Brit salmon croquettes which is hypoallergenic and occasionally beef only, no chicken or eggs. This diet and treatment are not cheap at all, starting with the shampoo that costs 15 $ and the food 30 $, since it is imported and lasts a week and a half, but thank God we were able to buy everything and do it to the letter.

Duke improved a lot in the aspect of his skin, since the black spots that were seen by his belly and where other veterinarians said that they were normal freckles of the age, disappeared what indicates me that they were fungi, of his general itching improved a 50% only remains in his pads and now I am very sure that the earth that he likes so much makes him sick, the dust hurts him, but I cannot bathe him more often.

At the end of this month, I hope to be able to take him for a check up and also to vaccinate him. When I take him for a consultation, I will bring you an update. My greatest wish is to see him getting healthier or calmer every day, without so much itching in his paws. Allergies are horrible and since Duke is my son, he had to inherit something from mom.😅

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! [Spanish Version]

Tratamiento de Duke, evolución, medicinas y alimentación 🐶

Duke es mi hijo peludo y el último miembro de mi familia, desde cachorro ha presentado signos de ser alérgico con muchos estornudos y picor en su cuerpo, pero no pasaba a mayores hasta que hace 4 años nos mudamos de casa y todo empeoró lentamente, ya que al principio por ser una casa grande con patio él era muy feliz, se le veía correr por todas partes, oler las plantas y revolcarse en la tierra, sin embargo, al poco tiempo su picor empeoro y se hizo evidente que presentaba algún tipo de alergia.

Durante este tiempo su condición empeoró hasta el punto de romperse su piel al rascarse, y su condición me llena de estrés y ansiedad a mí y a la familia en general, he tratado de muchas formas encontrar una solución y hemos visitado varios veterinarios hasta que hace dos meses encontré una veterinaria especialista en la piel, es decir dermatóloga que le hizo análisis y le dio un diagnóstico definitivo, Dermatitis por alergia, pero no sabemos que origina su alergia por lo que primero le mando un tratamiento para ir descartando la causa, porque puede ser una alergia alimenticia, ambiental o por otros factores.

Este tratamiento se basó, en un antimicótico porque le encontró hongos, también le indicó prednisona para ayudarlo a desinflamar y como antialérgico, antibiótico cefadroxilo, y un champú especial para bañarlo semanalmente, como alimento le indico las croquetas Brit de salmón que es hipoalergénica y de vez en cuando carne de res únicamente, nada de pollo o huevos. Esta dieta y tratamiento no son nada económicas, empezando por el champú que cuesta 15 $ y la comida 30, ya que es importada y le dura semana y media, pero gracias a Dios pudimos comprar todo y hacerlo al pie de la letra.

Duke mejoró mucho en el aspecto de su piel, ya que las manchas negras que se le veían por su barriga y donde otros veterinarios decían que eran pecas normales de la edad, desaparecieron lo que me indica que eran hongos, de su picor general mejoró un 50% solo le queda en las almohadillas y ahora estoy muy segura que la tierra que él tanto le gusta lo enferma, el polvo le hace daño, pero no puedo bañarlo más seguido. 

A finales de este mes, espero poder llevarlo a control y también a vacunarlo. Cuando lo lleve a consulta, les traeré una actualización. Mi mayor deseo es verlo cada día más sano o tranquilo, sin tanto picor en sus patitas. Las alergias son horribles y, como Duke es mi hijo, tenía que heredar algo de la mamá.😅

Image from thread

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