
AI Earning and Learning on Hive

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6 min read

Over the years on Hive, I likely have several dozen (if not more) posts on artificial intelligence, its dangers and opportunities written - and they all have one thing in common - I wrote them. Not an AI, not a machine, not even a translation program - me. Because of this, they are unique and more importantly, they are mine.


With the rise of AI intelligence and the improvement in their ability to create content, there is obviously going to be people who are going to leverage the technology to create posts on Hive to earn tokens. We have seen this increasingly over the last months with the rapid proliferation of AI-generated "artwork" with there being two oxymorons contained in the one word when used in that context.



Now of course, with it ChatGPT making it more accessible at higher qualities, people are using it to create written text for reward on Hive. Some people see no issue with this, some have a lot of issue with it. I am one of those people who see the benefits of it in some instances, but for the most part, it is detrimental to the community.

The reason is that I believe in rewarding content creators, not content users, where a content user is someone who leverages the content of others and claims it as their own content - like a plagiarist. And, it is plagiarism, even if the source is not a human creator.

Thought about it that way?

As such, content users shouldn't be rewarded as creators, because they aren't the one creating it. If they were the people who coded the AI, then that would be fine, but as people who are just typing in commands, they are not creating anything themselves, even if it spits out something that is unique. And, while you can disagree with my appraisal and definition of what is art, work or what has value, the fact is that stake does have value in the Hive ecosystem and the stake that says that AI generated content shouldn't be rewarded, has the final word on rewards.

But, because there is spendable value generated through Hive activity, it is going to be an endless stream of talentless people who are able to plug a couple keywords into an engine and generate something that has essentially no value to humanity. All it is, is an amalgamation of what already exists, churned through filters and then stolen and submitted as "original".

Fuck that.

It is not that AI is going to go away, but that doesn't mean we have to use it to replace every possible talent we could have and we certainly don't need to reward those who use it as content creators with skill of any kind, because they are not. They may have skills of course, but that doesn't mean they should be rewarded for skills that they do not possess.

For the most part and looking at the quality of what some people are getting out of the AIs, it is evidence of what I have been suggesting for years, that AIs are going to replace us in nearly every respect. They write better than average, create digital artwork better than average, calculate equations far better than average and are likely better on average at pretty much everything that is important to us in this world. But, just because it is better than what I might be able to create, it doesn't mean I have to use it.

People are generally average in bed. Going to pay a Pornstar to fuck your partner better than you can?

Note: I'm not bad in bed and I will do it for cheaper.

You won't know if that is true until after the event ^

And, then there is the moral stance. Do those using AI to create their content actually think that they "deserve" to be rewarded, or are they submitting in the hope they will be rewarded? There is a difference there and it isn't that hoping is bad, but if one is hoping for reward knowing that they don't actually deserve the rewards of a content creator, because they aren't creating anything, then it is trying to get away with it - a scam.


Honestly, it doesn't matter what a quality of content an account is posting, if it is AI generated, it doesn't deserve any rewards whatsoever, unless it is an AI creator using it as open proof of what their AI creation can do. I suspect, there is not an AI programmer of that quality on Hive at all.

It is a funny thing though, because what people are doing is playing the short game for measly rewards, but what is going to happen is that increasingly, they are going to be unable to compete and have no tradeable skills of their own. For the actual content creators with skill though, they are going to have to increasingly prove themselves to be capable, making it far harder for average people to compete, no matter what AIs they use. It is going to be like people who play fighting games on a console, stepping into a UFC octagon up against a professional fighter.

To the death?

What this will amount to is an increasing gap between those who can create and those who can't and even if the content from the AI is good, at some point, the AI creators themselves will be the ones making the money from it, as either they will be selling access to use it or, using it themselves to push masses of content onto the internet, flooding the market of trash content.

With people simultaneously having less skill, earning less as AIs take their codifiable jobs and therefore having less access to opportunity, the gap gets larger again. And those people who have been playing the short game for reward, are found very short indeed, unable to even get out of their house, let alone be able to produce something that anyone would want to pay for, whether it be on Hive or in the workplace.

Good luck.

You might not see it yet, but in the years I have been talking about this and predicting where we are today, you will see it soon enough and more importantly, you will experience it in the form that our own abilities are so lacking, that the best we will be able to manage is get a job cleaning toilets, because the AIs have decided that it isn't worth the resources to produce a robot that does it, when there are so many unskilled humans who will do it for less.

When it comes to the rewards on Hive, as I see it, if there is content getting created by AIs and there is no human value being added to a post, then it shouldn't earn even a skerrick of HIVE. It doesn't matter whether an account owner "needs" the HIVE or even "wants" the HIVE, if they are not creating anything themselves, they don't deserve the HIVE.

Add some value, or fuck off.

And this might sound harsh to many. But if we think that we are looking to create a future where those who deserve to get rewarded, get rewarded, we can't play the short game to game our own system. It isn't the content of the future that is important, it is the activity of humans that goes into creating it, the journey of humanity. Once we stop rewarding the journey of people, we are lost. And, if we are looking to build a decentralized economy of value, we have to reward a decentralized pool of content creators - not a centralized AI that creates content.

You argue for the value of "freedom of speech" yet aren't even capable of speaking for yourself and instead, use a computer that is designed to answer in a common accepted narrative, do the speaking for you.

Fucking idiots...

You want to earn Hive?


And for those that might care - I will never post AI-generated work and claim it to be my own. Ever. Because my account is me and all my experiences, skills and flaws that make me what I am - not a couple keywords stuck into a machine.

But... this is just my opinion.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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