
๐ŸŽ„ Silver Stackers Twelve Days of Christmas- Day 8๐ŸŽ„

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Thanksgiving weekend has come and gone here in the US, which means now Christmas season is upon us everywhere. Christmas decorations and lights started showing up come the Friday right after Thanksgiving. Some neighborhoods go all out of decorations, and they have fantastic light displays. My neighborhood isn't quite so gung ho thank goodness. I usually put up a few lights just so I don't seem too much like a Scrooge to all of the neighbors. But since I don't have any younger children around there just isn't as much incentive to decorate the yard and house.

Today I have a fun treat for all of you out there who are cryptozoology lovers. Not cryptocurrency, cryptozoology. That's the study and search for creatures that are unknown, legendary or even extinct. This included creatures like Nessie the Loch Ness monster, sasquatch or bigfoot, the chupacabra, and the Jersey Devil. There are of course many other creatures that fit this build as well, but for the sake of time I'll keep the list short.

This post is day eight of my Silver Gold Stackers Twelve Days of Christmas challenge to share items you might like to receive from you secret Santa or even under the tree. A big thanks to @silverd510 for starting the challenge! The silver piece I am sharing is produced by the Intaglio Mint. They produce a series of mythological and legendary creatures, the one I'm speaking of is the Jersey Devil. This is a beautifully designed and struck silver round. Have a look:

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About the round:

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This two ounce silver work of art is composed of pure silver. What I love about the Intaglio Mint is their attention to details and produce really nice silver to collect and is great as an investment. I would be thrilled to receive this for Christmas for sure!

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Jersey Devil

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The existence of the Jersey Devil has been questionable at best over the years. Said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey in the United States. It's likely that it was derived from the Leeds Devil who was said to be the thirteenth son of Deborah Leeds, who upon discovery that she was pregnant for a thirteenth time cursed the child to be a devil. Talk about a loving mother!

Interestingly there was actually a Deborah Leeds married to Japhid Leeds and lived in Leeds Point in the area the devil is purported to live. Japhid leads was a wealthy land owner and left his estate to twelve children in his will. What is even more interesting in that Daniel Leeds (descended from Japhid) and his son Titus Leeds were a major competitor of a fellow named Benjamin Franklin who lived in Philadelphia. It's said that Franklin had called the Leeds monsters most likely as they published a competing almanac to Franklin's Poor Richards Almanac. This may have been the origin of story.

Throughout the 1800's the Leeds Devil was a well know tale told around southern New Jersey. It is said to be a creature with red eyes, wings, hooves, and many other variations. Over the years there were many sightings of the creature. However, in 1909 there was a rash of sightings and the creature became known as the Jersey Devil. At one point police even fired on a creature and was said to have no affect on the monster. Sightings continue to this very day. There are even dedicated groups of crytpozoologists that hunt for the devil in the Pine Barrens today.

Am I a believer? No. I have spent a lot of time in southern New Jersey in the Pine Barrens forest and never seen a monster myself, apart from some of the human variety that is. Maybe people misidentify other creatures for the legendary creature. There have been a lot of sighting over the years though, so who knows, maybe it is real? But it still makes for an interesting story and was the inspiration for this beautiful silver round produced by the Intaglio Mint.

That will wrap up my post for this Monday. I hope you liked the silver and the legendary history behind the Jersey Devil. If you're ever in southern New Jersey in the woods keep your eyes open! Thank you so much for all of your support, it really is greatly appreciated. It's fun putting together these posts and I'm glad some of you enjoy them. Have a great day everyone!

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I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. Please do your own research before investing your hard earned money in any project or commodity.

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DUO token

This token was created by the Hive Onboarding Committee (HOC). It offers curation, dividends, and a tipping bot for those who stake enough tokens. The overall purpose of the token is to stack enough HP to be able to assist the HOC in onboarding and retaining new members to Hive.

Please check out the white paper:

You can find DUO for sale here:

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If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

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The HOC focuses on onboarding and supporting new Hive members

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