There are events that are painful to write about. It hurts to even think about them. That's probably why I couldn't write it for six whole days.
We lost. The mouse went to the rainbow. I fought for it for two months, but we still lost. Maybe if she were younger, we would have had a chance. But too many factors converged with one point: disease, genetics, age.
A whole piece of my life left with her. She was my first dog in this house. She was my faithful friend and constant companion on all my trips. Oh, yes! She adored the car and was ready to spend whole days on the road.
A simple mongrel that I picked up on the street when she was a puppy. She didn't have to get used to me, and I didn't have to get used to her. We immediately realized that we were us. Not just a human and a dog, but us. We were friends. We were a family.
And now she's gone. It feels like the earth has gone from under my feet. I've been moving like a robot for a week. I know that my other dogs need me and I continue to take care of them. But it still hurts a lot.