
HIVE Core Number Compounding Postponed

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This is just a quick announcement that I have stopped the Core Number Compounding project on HIVE.

Core Number Compounding on Hive

Core Number Compounding works well on HIVE because the HIVE Currency Market has spreads of less than 1% and there are no commissions or transaction fees.

However, one of the dangers I mentioned at the start is that I would be in a prolonged down market. I started CNC when HIVE was in the $1.80 range. It has fluctuated while slowly working down to below $1.40.

At the outset, I was undercapitalized. I had $1000 worth of HIVE and about $200 worth of HBD. I wound up losing the $200 HBD as prices kept dropping. Ideally, I would want to do this with $2000 worth of HIVE and $1000 worth of HBD on an uptrend.

So, rather than bleed my wealth dry, I pulled out my capital and put it into another project that has benefitted from the drop in prices. I will return to CNC at a later date with the proper amount of capital. This experiment has been a proof of concept. I've proven the the concept.

Over all, I'm down perhaps $200, which is definitely a loss. But, it's mostly house money.

The other thing needing capital is the effort to get the Icy White Visa debit card. That card requires staking $40,000 in CRO to earn 12% interest on the stake. Additionally, it pays out 5% cash back in CRO on purchases. And, it includes other perks. In terms of cash flow, the card is advantageous. I don't have the full $40,000. But, one good pump will get me there. This is why buying in during this market dump is important. I am so close.

At the moment, most cryptos seem to have a tight correlation with BTC. So, as soon as BTC gets its act together, we should be seeing a good rally to kick off 2022 for the crypto market as a whole. That should include HIVE and CRO.

A second reason for not doing Core Number Compounding is that it was stealing too much of my attention. If I were a full-time blogger, then it would make sense. However, this is not the case. And, I can't afford to obsess over it throughout the day. I'll get to full-time blogging eventually. HIVE's generosity will get me there sooner than later.

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