Mostly people believe Web3 will be a hundreds time better than the Web2, I also believe it's true Web3 is a better and upgraded version of web2 but I think it will not totally replaced web2 , it means we have to use both at the same time for coming years until web2 totally replaced or merged by Web3
The problem is that Right now Web3 dapps are underdeveloped not have that much daily active users on the other hand web2 apps are fully developed have thousands of daily active users, so many developers, founders and users of Web3 dapps or projects are using traditional web2 based applications like Twitter, discord and telegram
For example if you are a founder of a project or community bulid on hive blockchain you have to create a group on discord or telegram in order to discuss everything with all the community members, I consider this a issue for Web3 growth when we as Web3 users invite or introduce others to Web3 dapps like leofinance and ecency we said these dapps are better than the traditional web2 applications, then these users of traditional social media platforms noticed we are spending more with them on Twitter, discord and telegram as compared to Web3 dapps, it gives very bad message to people who are new to web3
Now the point is we have to spend more time Onchain on Web3 dapps in order to set an example, right now mostly users are spending few minutes on hive blockchain then switching back to Twitter, discord and telegram and spending hours there in chitchat with others, I heard some people totally quit web2 applications or totally shifted to Web3, this may not possible for everyone bu at least we can set over priorities, if we spend more time to bulid and grow on Web3 then others will definitely follow us, but if we claimed we are building alternatives of Twitter, Instagram and discord but still spending all the time on these applications then it's very hard for others to believe us and join us
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