@coyotelation's thread


We worked on it together, so we can say our idea hahaha... Thank you very much again for your help.

By the way... I would like to ask you something, I tried to use ChatGPT to give me a list of bands, curiosities... songs and it's helping me a lot, but I wanted to reduce my time researching because you know that these things take up a lot of our time and I asked the AI ​​to bring me each song with the code incorporated and it did... I was happy but it didn't last long, because the code wasn't useful. LOL

Then I got him to understand what I was asking for and it was an "iframe" and this code is actually very similar to the embedded code that we get on YouTube, but after a few attempts I gave up... no code he generates no servant in InLeo... Maybe with the right words, maybe we could find this code to bring the songs here? Would you be able to do this?

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