@onealfa's thread


To my surprise, only 3 claims for #sbl (Super Bad luck) prize has been received. By random draw, prize goes to @vimukthi, who staked 1064 Leo in last SBL. Prize size by SBL formula is 78093 Leo delegation.

Those short 3 week delegations are pain in the ass, as in fact I must stay apart from my Leo's for 4 weeks, 1 week is needed for tokens to return. 25% loss!

Because of this, I want to give winners a free option, to choose if they want longer period of delegation for proportionally smaller amount. And we can share the relatively smaller expiration part ( that 1 week in return) as mutual benefit. @vimukthi, which option you choose?

Maybe you prefer just 1 week, but want 156186 Leo delegation ??? ๐Ÿ˜€

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