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The best financial decision I have ever made so far in my adult life is coming back home. I know it might sound funny, but adulthood is not for the faint-hearted and one should not be rushing to experience it.

While it is good to be independent, it's unwise for one to strive for independence.

In my opinion, independence should come with ease and if one cannot actualize it easily or thrive in it, it's better they remain with whoever that is responsible for them.

The thing is, there should be no pressure to leave one's parents' house.

One would think that they got life figured out with a failed proof plan, until they actually meet reality, then they'll understand the true meaning of man proposes, God disposes.

Only the prodigal son knows what he saw that made him go back home to his father's house. I have left my parents' house on two different occasions to start life in a more industrialized State and for that two times, I ended up hitting rock bottom and falling back to home base.

Last year I had no savings, nothing to show because all the money I had worked for went into rent.

It's even more biting now because the standard of living keeps getting high with no salary increment. There are even employers looking to slash one's meager salary out of greed.

It is in this light that you'd find yourself working for other people. You'd work so hard and save up some money only to hand it over as rent, and then you are left with nothing.

I resolved within myself that I would rather not continue my life in such manner because at a point, I was earning to survive, and I felt really useless because what is life without savings/emergency funds to work with when the need arise?

Coming back home, I never intended to move in with my parents because I so much more than anything wanted to be free from them.

But then, I thought about how pathetic my experiences striving to be independent has been.

I thought about the renewal of my yearly rent because that's where the challenges lies.

I thought about how much savings I could rake from there and I immediately aborted mission of renting an apartment and I'm glad that I did because now, I have peace of mind.


Today, being the first day of September, happens to be hive power up day just like every other first day of each month.

For this month's hive power up, I powered up 15HP and got my badge from buzzy. I'm excited being part of this initiative because I am trying to build my level of consistency and this exercise will help me alot.

Not to mention that it is also a boost to my level of HP. Below are screenshots of how I converted my hive, to HP.

All images are mine

Above is my response to the Septemberinleo prompt, you can participate HERE

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