When Pablo's dad got into trouble and ended up in jail, all of his properties were seized and frozen. Some for alleged fraud and the rest for not being able to make certain payments that were active. I watched his last son sink into depression, plus, the fact that his gay sexuality was revealed to everyone in church.
His mom who had never been concerned about them as she moved from one big trip and eating-out meetings with her friends to another suddenly did not know what to do anymore. It was mostly the maids who took care of them as always.
My concern isn't about any of the things they had to suffer because of the fraudulent activities that their dad and husband had engaged in. It was the fact that when the bubble burst everything they had was confiscated.
I witnessed this in the movie, The Plan, where Alhaji's things were seized as a result of an alleged money laundering scheme through his role in the government position he held before his staged death.
Fear gripped me when I saw Pablo's family and I remembered Alhaji's predicament. Remember that I also recently learned that you could be innocent, make money, invest them in assets, grow your wealth, and still get screwed over by a fraudulent person like Marla and Frankie in the movie, I Care a lot, who used the courtroom to take away everything older folks worked for during their youths.
So, it doesn't matter if you engage in fraudulent activities or legal ones as you climb the ladder of wealth building, and how much you protect these assets from prying eyes, it seems they will always find a way around it. But take away the individual thieves who will always look to reap where they did not sow. Let's talk about the folks in the government and different crime regulatory bodies who will always want to confiscate all of your assets once something illegal comes up in your name.
How do you protect yourself from losing it all? How can you keep some of those assets you tirelessly learned about and accumulated as you move through the journey of life? You see when these people show up on your doorstep, they will take everything, anything linked to you will be confiscated.
I thought hard. Not to give fraudsters answers but to protect everyone who wants to protect even a few cents of their hustle and sweat. And it struck me.
There have to be so many reasons the industry is getting attacked by those financial intermediaries. It shouldn't only be because the days of printing money will be over for these blood-sucking individuals, it has to be that for once, a lot of us who embrace cryptocurrency will have our wealth and no one will be able to take it from us unless they stumble on our private keys of course.
With crypto, there's no one to hold, no assets to confiscate. You have no proof that something belongs to me unless you find the keys around me. Even with the keys around me, I could be holding onto it for someone else.
Cryptocurrency helps us create wealth and keep it for as long as we want to. All we have to do is do our due diligence and put our money in asset yielding investment portfolio. And we can go to bed with all our eyes closed. If the government knocks on our doors the next day, the only things they will be able to claim are the physical assets and some of the ones left in the traditional banking system. Our digital assets will be safe for as long as we safely store our keys away.
The best part is that anyone can own a crypto wallet and start transacting without owning an account with any bank. The level of privacy that's available in this industry is desirable to anyone who wants to protect their money from traditional systems and forces.
The Club - Original title: El Club - TV Series - 2019
The Plan - TV Mini Series - 2023
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