
Quietly building wealth is the healthiest way to last longer in the game

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When I started this movie, I did not know what to expect. In fact, I tried to keep my feelings aside and watch with a clear mind without boiling in anger. Remember, I am the one who preaches frugality and how staying as secretive as possible about one wealth is paramount to staying longer in the game and being safe from predators.

Quietly building wealth is the healthiest way to last longer in the game.png
So watching Marla and Frankie rob older folks of their inheritance and wealth by using the law and the health department, I was beyond mad. At some point, I was afraid for those who had considered being alone without building a family when their panic attack about trust set in. But I found out, with Marla and Frankie, it doesn't matter if you have family to claim your inheritance or not, they will twist everything in their favor.

What they do is take older people into their care using the excuse that they can no longer care for themselves. The court would give the duo the order to take in these folks with or without their permission. Soon, they will liquidate their assets and sell everything off, claiming that they were taking fees for their role as guardians and caregivers.

It was good for a while until they met Jennifer Peterson. At this point, my head kept replaying the words of Robert Greene about learning when to stop. Every time she got into difficulty and I felt Robert was right, Marla would find a way out, making me wonder if Robert was wrong about where to draw the line or whether even Morgan Housel was wrong about learning when we have had enough.

Marla did all she could to keep Jennifer Peterson against her will and that of her son. And with every obstacle she removed on her way to gaining from the family, she grew stubborn, bold, courageous, and whatever powerful word you would use to describe her.

She was successful when she got Jennifer's Son where he felt helpless and had to agree to her terms. Only, he was wiser, instead of paying her off, knowing fully well, that paying people off is never a final solution to extortion, he proposed that they became business partners instead.

Marla was satisfied with this and she went ahead with the agreement. They built organizations all over the world ripping the older folks off in the name of being caregivers, until, one of the sons of the victim came around to take his pound of flesh.

When Marla died I did not know if I was relieved or not. I just happened to be happy with the outcome. I know I support whatever means anyone wants to use and make money, but, if it's ripping off the old, who spent years, building the buffer to help them spend their last days with no worries, I do not support.

I did not support this because it went against everything I preach. I felt the pang in my heart each time Marla succeeded in this act. I felt bad because I wondered how anyone would delay gratifications for the sake of the future only to be stolen from by someone who decides they weren't going to go out there and hustle differently for theirs.

When she died, I was pleased because learning when to stop would have been her watchword. Knowing what line to cross and not to cross should haven't been overlooked.

The person who won in my opinion is her business partner. The son of Jennifer Peterson, who, even though he was a drug lord and trafficker, ran his business quietly, staying off the eyes of the public, and progressing as he went. He won because he got his mother back, and held a portion of the business he ran with Marla after the agreement. Now he's alive to decide if he wants to continue with Marla's business or not.

But Marla who had gone all out, even appearing on TV to brag about her success, ended up on the other side of life. Maybe, if she quietly executed her business too, she would still be alive to enjoy the fruits of her labor.

But as with all things, it came to an end.

There were different lessons learned from this movie. But they were conflicting in the sense that one minute I was encouraged to go after what I wanted aggressively, and the next minute, I was warned to stay away from certain acts and people. One minute I am taught to make money, keep, and invest, the next minute I am learning to live in the moment so someone won't have to reap where they did not sow without leaving any crumbs for me.

However, one lesson stood out, quietly building will keep one in the game longer than doing so loudly almost to the point of stepping on the wrong foot. The human who goes about his work quietly and courteously will last longer in the game of wealth building.


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