
Morning Revive! - W/E 231

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3 min read

Never did I think I'd be dealing with a hangover! As a lightweight, I usually avoid strong drinks to prevent embarrassing moments. But, when surrounded by persuasive friends like Jane, who think 'just one more' is always a good idea, resistance is futile.

Jane, my dear friend, can be a loving nuisance. Despite knowing I'm a lightweight, she refuses to accept it. Her logic? I don't drink often, so the solution is more shots! Incredible!

It was one of our night outs and and we were nestled in a cozy corner of this new bar, surrounded by laughter and clinking glasses. The place was dimly lit, with pulsating music, and enticing aromas of craft beers.

One of the servers came along to get our orders. As usual I ordered for soda, but Jane cut in "No way are you taking soda!". "Get two bottles of Smirnoff Ice and glasses, please" she ended, grinning mischievously.

"Come on Jane, don't start, you know I can't handle this," I pleaded.
"You can, my dear friend, and you will!", she ended with a smirk.

I glanced at Jane, her mischievous grin still etched on her face. 'You're such a troublemaker,' I said resignedly.
Chuckling she said "Someone's got to bring out the party animal in you!"

And she really did. It was a crazy night, the atmosphere was mesmerizing and I got in the groove, lol.

After the first bottle, she suggested we go for a second one, but I declined. "You can handle one more, it's just one more," she teased while handing me the second bottle, her voice blending with the music.

We ended up taking three bottles of Smirnoff Ice each. After that last drink, I was completely knocked out. I vaguely remember stumbling out of the bar, but the rest of the night, including our journey home, was a haze.

The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache, foggy brain, dry mouth, and a bit nauseous. I tried getting out of bed but couldn't, I was all sloppy. "What did I do to myself?" I whimpered. My morning-after confusion only deepened when I realized I had no idea how we'd gotten home. I guess Jane managed to get us home safely. She's a bit of a seasoned drinker.

"Finally, she's awake", I heard her say from the door. She walked in, sat beside me and asked, "How do you feel?" "Messed up", I replied. "Why did I even listen to you?", I said, sighing.

"You don't drink often, so last night was an opportunity for you to catch up!", she replied with that mischievous voice which I've known her for.

"But you got me drunk, that wasn't fair" I cried out. "I know and I'm sorry, love", she said with a remorseful look. "Here, drink this", she continued, handing me the glass. "It will make you come around", she ended.

True to her words, the drink was as soothing as it was refreshing!. I dozed off immediately after taking it. And when I awoke, I felt a lot better.

Fortunately, she shared the recipe with me and here it is;


  • 1 cup coconut water.

  • 1/2 cup pineapple juice

  • 1/4 cup ginger juice

  • 1 tablespoon honey

  • Ice cubes

  • Fresh mint leaves for garnish


  • Fill a glass with ice cubes.

  • Pour in coconut water, pineapple juice, and ginger juice.

  • Add honey.

  • Stir well.

  • Garnish with fresh mint leaves and enjoy.

A little extra,

Taking a cold shower also helps to refresh the body and clear the head.

Although I haven't gotten myself into such state again but I've since shared the recipe with colleagues, friends and family, who swear by its effectiveness.

I would love to hear from you too, that's if, and when you try it. ๐Ÿ˜…

Thank you for reading...

Still the #threadsaddict ๐Ÿ˜‚

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