
Grum Is The Powerhouse You Need | Splinterlands #397

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I have written previously about some of my favourite Chaos Legion lineups and recently I have been really enjoying playing with one of my newer favourite cards in splinterlands, Grum Flameblade.

Why Grum Flameblade?



It's no doubt that Grum Flameblade is a powerhouse due to its high melee damage, high health, high armor and its abilities like Bloodlust, Void Armor, and Void. With Void Armor and Void, reduces any magic damage received and re-directs the magic damage to its armor first. Bloodlust, meanwhile, boosts Grum's stats every time he destroys an opposition unit. When the momentum has turned in his favour, it transforms him into an unstoppable force. He's not invincible, though; understanding how to counter his weaknesses is just as important as using his strengths.

Knowing Grums' Counters

Despite his power, Grum has a few clear counters you'll need to consider, particularly at higher levels. He is especially susceptible to monsters with the Giant Killer ability as they will deal double damage to him e.g., Mycelic Infantry. Another ability to watch out for is the Deathblow ability, which does double damage to last-standing enemies. Now due to Grum's high health and armor, there is a very likely chance that he will be the last remaining monster on your team and if he comes up against a monster with the Deathblow ability (e.g., Legionnaire Alvar) then even the unsurmountable Grum will meet its fate.

How To Setup Grum For Success?

With the right setup and regardless of mana cap, Grum's Bloodlust ability can stack quickly and therefore landing consecutive killing blows is a very real reality. Another thing to consider is to pair him with monsters that boost melee attacks as this will make Grum even more powerful. Also, consider pairing Grum with armor repair ability monsters or monsters that provide additional armor; this aid his survivability and ensure he lasts longer in matches where he might otherwise be overwhelmed. Finally, as one of his downsides is his slow speed and therefore cards that buff speed, will give Grum that extra boost to ensure any blows that he lands doesn't miss.

Some Battle Highlights



In the following battle, we have a battle of the two Grum's. The oppositions Grum was higher level and that additional level proved so vital as Grum's acquire additional health and the Giant Killer ability. While the opposition had a much better strategy in buffing Grum's speed (Supply Runners Swiftness) and repairing its armor (Ferox Defender Repair). In the battle, I didn't have much have a chance as the opposition kept on picking off my team one by one, but the killing blow was dealt by the oppositions' Grum when he landed a double damage Giant Killer blow on my Grum -- dealing 10 melee damage. It was then I knew I had no chance. Nonetheless, its fantastic to see how powerful Grum can be at higher levels.

Concluding Thoughts

Cards like Grum Flameblade can make all the difference in battles. Yes, it's a powerhouse, but its knowing when and where he works best. Also, its important as well as how to counter him especially if you come up against him in battles.


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