Bad days, I can say, are part of life. It doesn't come to us with warnings of any sort; it just hit us unaware, and we start dealing with whatever is making our day unpleasant. Sometimes I will wish that some of my days didn't exist while I watch things unfold, but then there are things we can't control. We just have to face it as it comes while finding a solution to remedy any situation that befalls us.
As long as I can remember, I have tasted many bad days in my life, and instead of dwelling on the situation, which obviously makes me feel depressed and unhappy all through the day, I try different tips on the quest to seek happiness and smile again.
One of the things I do that makes me smile when I am having a bad day is connecting with a dearly loved one; it could be one of my friends or even a family member who is very close to my heart and who knows how well to spice up my day. Flora is one of those kind of friends with whom I don't hesitate to open up to her and share what's troubling my heart. She seems to know deeply, words and activities capable of putting smiles on my face again no matter how bad my day is going. Having a heartfelt conversation with a loved one has proven to restore smiles during my bad day. This makes me know that indeed I am not alone; it also shifts my mind away from that which is ruining my day and changes my mood for good.
Another thing that makes me happy is reflecting on the nice memories I have had in the past with my loved ones. I could just open the pictures we took and be going through them, also watching the videos captured in those moments, and before I knew it, joy had flooded my heart. Having smiles at that moment will be irresistible and a great mood changer for me. This is an activity of the mind, and what I have done is simply shift my bad mood to nice memories, and my heart will find peace again.
Knowing that my family is there for me no matter the storm I face in my day makes me smile upon reflection and gives me hope to keep striving. These people are sure mood lifters and always bring light to my spirit. They never leave me to journey with the challenges of life all alone; their words most times are calming and restore my wondering soul. Their emotional support has been unimaginable. So whatever it is that I am going through that is making my day bad, remembering that I have a family who genuinely cares for me is enough to put smiles on my face.
Sometimes, I also try leaving the house to somewhere I can watch fun activities and cloud my mind with something funny. There are places around that the activities over there are just mind-blowing, and taking a stroll in such an environment makes me feel refreshed in my mind and also makes me smile.
What makes you smile when you're having a bad day? Feel free to share with me in the comment section.
This is my response to the Ladies of Hive community contest #209.
Images are mine
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