
My Week in Review for Dec. 7, 2024, Dolphin At Last!

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7 min read

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It looks like it's finally official, I am now a legit Dolphin! When I first started blogging here reaching Dolphin organically seemed like an almost insurmountable mountain. However, through dedication and hard work I finally made it, and if I can do it, anyone can. The best part is I did it all organically, and I hope my success story helps to onboard and retain more Hive contributors.

This morning I found this in my feed, I was excited!

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Here in southern California it's supposed to be a nice warm and sunny day. Once I finish up my Saturday Savers post I'll be heading outside to enjoy the sunshine! So here we go...

Time to jump into last week's progress...

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Hive Power

I had a great week once again in this area. I started the week with 5,808HP. I now have 5,926 HP, an increase of 118 HP on the week! I should surpass 6,000 HP this week. It feels great to see my HP at dolphin levels! It seems like just yesterday I was struggling to reach 1,000 HP! My initial goal here was to reach 5,000 HP this year, then I bumped it up to 6,000 HP. It's been a great year overall!

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I plan to continue building my HP, and I'll have to start thinking of my goals for next year. Hopefully we will continue to see this bull run for awhile longer into next year.

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Now for the bad news... I had a goal to reach 50,000 staked PIMP this year and was on track to reach my goal. Then something unexpected happened, the price kept on going up. I won't complain about that, but it did make it a little too expensive to buy the sufficient tokens to reach my goal this year. I currently have 32,500 PIMP, so this goal may have to be pushed into next year.

I love PIMP, it's a great project! What I like most about it is that it is backed by physical silver in the PIMP vault, so no matter what happens it will always have value. I'm a huge precious metal fan in case you haven't noticed!

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This was a late in the year goal that I added into the mix. I wanted to reach 1,500 staked LEO by the end of the year, I achieved it and bumped the goal up to 2,000. I subsequently have passed that benchmark as well. I'll have to set some new goals next year on this one, but I accomplished this goal and it felt great!

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This goal was achieved months ago, I wanted to hit 2,000 units and now I'm sitting on 3,250. I don't have any new goals here, nor will I set any. But I will continue to sponsor Shadow Hunters and also continue my ten HSBI giveaway each week to help out new folks to build up their HSBI balances to receive curations on their posts.

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I'm up 33 units on the week, and like I always like to say you can never have too many of these. They are the gift that keeps on giving!

Back to HSBI...

Just over a year ago I had a grand total of 11 HSBI and I really didn't even understand well what they were. That prompted me to do some research and figure out what HSBI does to help you out in growing your Hive account. Since that time I have done giveaways on my posts and even have one weekly post dedicated to give out HSBI. I have sponsored various contests over the last year which helped me build up to my current levels. I continue to sponsor Shadow Hunters every week and continue my weekly giveaway as well. Make sure to click the link below to my contest and enter, you could win HSBI or DUO tokens!

For those of you new to Hive or unfamiliar with the HSBI program I have some guides to help you out. When I started blogging I had no clue what they were and had to search around until I stumbled on a post that explained it to me. That's why I include this every week to help someone out if they still don't understand the program.

I also have a giveaway weekly where you can win up to ten HSBI by simply answering the entry question in the post. I'll put the current contest link below if you want to enter. You could win! The prizes are two prizes of five HSBI, one prize of 2 DUO tokens, and a legendary Splinterlands card up for grabs as well! I usually throw in a bonus as well just to keep things interesting! Let's jump into the HSBI info...

Here's that info on HSBI, this stuff doesn't change much week to week, so skip the next paragraph or two if you have heard the song and dance before.

The HSBI program provides periodic upvotes on your posts, and the more you have the more frequent the upvote and bigger as well. If you want more information you can read my post about it here:

I mentioned my weekly giveaway, here's the link to enter if you want a chance to win some HSBI units:

If you have questions about the events above feel free to ask!

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I love SIM token! I currently have just over one million of them and do plan to move up to two million in the near future. Token holders can receive daily liquid Hive dividends, and who doesn't like free Hive? The token is inflationary, so keep that in mind as you could lose some money on your principal investment. I also play the dCity game which uses SIM as it's governance token and I also receive some daily SIM for holding in game assets which is nice!

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No Saturday Savers would be complete without me shilling my favorite token of them all. Several months ago along with @bitcoinman and @bulliontools we created the DUO token to help fill voids in the Hive community. The purpose of the token is to accumulate enough Hive Power to be able to use a portion to support new onboards and help retain them through encouragement and with curations. We currently have more than 33,960 HP in the curation account, and are starting to make our first onboarding efforts.

We have a new guest author program allowing Hive members to earn by posting original content on the duo-curator account. Please see our latest duo-curator posts for rules and information on how to participate.

DUO token holders receive by far the greatest benefits. Once you have 200 staked tokens you can receive a daily curation on your quality posts and receive daily liquid Hive dividends. Once you stake more than 500 DUO you also can use the DUO tip call to tip someone with some DUO, and in return you get the same amount of DUO in your account. It pays to tip others with DUO!

I currently have over 1,200 of these and will be continuing to purchase them. Once this tranche of tokens sells out the price will jump from one Hive to 1.5 Hive each. My advice is to buy in early while they are less expensive! Plus you will make money as soon as this batch sells out due to the price increase! All Hive from token purchases in locked into Hive Power and will never be powered down.

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Other Tokens

Again no big changes here, I am continuing to collect DBOND and DAB. I have both my DBONDs and DABs staked, so the staked DBOND produces more DAB, and the staked DAB produces more DBOND. So they are slowly growing. I still want to increase my EDS holding to over 200, but that will be a goal for the next year, I'm still have just over 100 and they are a little expensive. I did win one recently from Saturday Savers, thank you!

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Silver is kind of holding it's own for the time being. It's up a few cents from a week ago, and I think it's undervalued at the present time. I expect it to challenge all time highs in the near future especially with all the uncertainty in the world. People always run to precious metals to invest in when times look like they might be rough, because they will always be worth something.

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silver over the last five days, chart from

I always like to share a novel way you can invest in silver every week. It doesn't always have to be bars or coins, it can be a lot of fun. In this case replicas of LEGOs than you can stack, you can invest in silver and play with it too. lol I wouldn't recommend playing with them though, you get a higher premium on resale if they look shiny and new! These are one once of pure silver and at the moment they are asking $39.59 each. I put the website in my references if you want to check them out any further!

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That will wrap up this edition of #saturdaysavers . Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I hope you found some of the information valuable. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below, and thank you for all of your support. It really means a great deal to me! Have a great weekend everyone!

If you are interested in precious metals the #silvergoldstackers community may be right for you. We share silver and gold items with each other, and even if you don't have any precious metals to share you can still participate and learn!

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I am not a financial planner and this isn't financial advice. Please always do your own research before investing your money. You worked hard enough to earn it!

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DUO token

This is a token from the Hive Onboarding Committee (HOC). It offers curation, dividends, and a tipping bot for those who stake enough tokens. The overall purpose of the token is to stack enough HP to be able to assist the HOC in onboarding and retaining new members to Hive.

Please check out the white paper:

You can find DUO for sale here:

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If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

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I'm a proud member of The Alliance Family!

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The HOC focuses on onboarding and supporting new Hive members

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