
Ditch the excuses - Do your own research and start somewhere

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4 min read

Everything seemed to be reminding Louis of his latest financial position and whether he liked to admit it or not, he knew he was teetering on the brink of desperation. Nothing interested him anymore.
Ditch the excuses - Do your own research and start somewhere.png
He did not laugh when his five-year-old daughter told her naive little jokes and he did not kiss his wife, Jenna when he woke up every morning. He found himself often staring into the distance in his new home office, his pupils never focusing on anything in particular.

When he sat at a meal with his family, he did not make his own small jokes while locking eyes with Jenna.

It had not occurred to him how much of his happiness could be sapped by lack of money. He could easily say he was living the nightmare of many family men and he was having a hell of a time.

Jenna was supportive, she was providing everything in his stead and she hated that he had let things affect him so badly, but he knew she would never understand the depth of the situation, even though she was his wife.

He had forgotten to shave, forgotten to eat, and would have forgotten to breathe if there was a way he could have. Jenna was furious when she returned from work on Tuesday evening to find him in the same spot he had been when she had left that morning.

"Is this how it's going to be?"

She demanded, hands akimbo. He looked like a teenager who was about to be scolded when he rose to hug her. She started to cry while she was in his arms.

"Jenna, that's okay. Everything is going to be fine."

He murmured. She pushed away from him, eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Oh, really?" She demanded fiercely.

"How come you don't listen when I tell you everything is going to be okay? You are not the first man to lose his job, you are not going to be the last. Just stop doing this, Louis."

He nodded.

Jenna never yelled at anyone. If she was talking to him in a raised voice, then he needed to understand that she had had enough. He reached her and wrapped his hands around her again.

" I'll be fine, Jenna. Sorry, I'm not the ideal husband right now…."

" You're not less better to me than you were when I first met you, Louis."

She said calmly. He expelled the breath he had been holding. It was the most soothing words he had heard in weeks.

When Louis finally decided to do something out of the box about his pathetic financial condition, it was his vastly knowledgeable Broker friend, Terence, that he called. The phone rang once and Terence took the call.

"What's with you, man?"

He asked into the phone in his usually raucous voice.

"Terence, it turns out I was just a redundant staff member. I got kicked out of the office."

He said without mincing words. Terence would not need him to do further explanations, he would understand the gravity of his predicament even if he said it in parables.

"Oh...I thought you were one Invaluable asset to the firm..."

Terence remarked with a faint hint of amusement that drowned his voice.

"The past few weeks have been hell. I've got nothing saved up." Louis continued speaking, ignoring his folly.

"My kids have to remain in school, Jenna took a second job two weeks ago, she is working too hard."

" So, I should lend you some bucks to keep you going for a bit, right?"

Terence offered nicely.

" No!" Louis was surprised at how vehemently his protest came out. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that Terence was not the cause of his problems.

"Terence, I need you to walk me through bitcoin trading. I'm fed up with the peanuts I get from these corporate jobs. It's exhausting, man."

There was a brief pause and then Terence said calmly,

"You have to start something. I'll let you meet the Whales on this end but you will have to do your own thing, my man."

" Come on, Terence. I'm almost clueless. I can't tell what a Bull market or Bear Market is, I wouldn't know what and when to do anything if I had a screen opened in front of me with the signals...."

" You gotta start from somewhere. Ditch the excuses and get to work. Nothing beats Doing your own research and starting somewhere."

Louis sighed. It was not exactly what he wanted to hear. But when he set the phone down on the receiver, there was a new firm resolve within to get to work. He opened his laptop and rubbed his hands together, oddly delighted at the new thrill that came with wanting to work.

Bitcoin trading! He knew it would sort out his money issues in the next three months or less. Jenna only needed to hang on a bit longer.

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